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Flappy Biden dismantles himself in TV duel against Trump

Panic among the US Democrats

Joe Biden wanted the televised debate against Donald Trump. It turned into a disaster.
Joe Biden wanted the televised debate against Donald Trump. It turned into a disaster.

Flappy Biden dismantles himself in TV duel against Trump

This is a notable television debate with significant consequences. US President Biden, with a startling performance against Challenger Trump, confirmed many concerns about his health status. So, it went. The first television debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the Presidential campaign was painful for the viewers. Trump presented a veritable lying machine, firing one falsehood after another into millions of households to convince them to vote for him. But even more painful was watching President Biden's shocking performance, which nearly confirmed all the fears Americans had about his health.

The 81-year-old sounded hoarse and spoke unusually softly in the CNN studio in Atlanta for the 90 minutes. He looked particularly downcast when his opponent spoke, seemed absent. He lost the thread, gave Trump empty platitudes, and barely countered any of the ones the Republican offered. Biden was a shadow of his past self that evening, the first of two planned television debates. Many other Democrats could have taken Trump on that night. Biden didn't. The three-year-younger Trump just had to run his usual program while President Biden fought with himself. Analysts were shocked by the performance. According to CNN, panic had broken out among high-ranking Democrats and others. "We have a problem," a source from Biden's party is quoted as saying. "We're screwed," another. High-ranking Democrats in key election states reportedly believe that with Biden in this condition, there is no point in making a campaign.

"It's going to blow up"

About 80% of Americans believed Biden was too old to lead the country for another four years before the television duel. Leading Democrats are now reportedly discussing how to convince Biden to step down for a younger candidate. "This man can't win," a Democratic campaign strategist is quoted as saying by the "New York Times." Biden will now be confronted with a crescendo of withdrawal demands: "Joe had deep affection from the Democrats. That's gone."

The most logical option would be Vice President Kamala Harris, but she is even less popular than Biden. His approval rating is only 40%; no one has ever won an election with such low approval ratings. Both major parties will still officially nominate their candidates, the Republicans in July, and the Democrats a month later. Content has become secondary after this performance. From now on, the campaign will mainly focus on Biden's age. "Tomorrow it's going to blow up," said a Democratic congressman about the situation in his party.

Four years ago, Biden looked better than Trump mainly because he held him accountable, presented clear lines, and spoke directly to the audience, coming across as more presidential, experienced, capable, and reasonable. This time, Biden descended to Trump's level at times, even lower. He called Trump a fool, liar, and loser. When Trump spoke about his golfing abilities to demonstrate his fitness for four years in the White House, Biden engaged in a back-and-forth about his handicap and fence jumps, which even Trump found excessive. "Let's not behave like children," Biden ended the argument almost graciously.

At times, Biden tried to reference his political achievements from his first term, but he fell far short of being convincing. Trump was overall sharper, despite his constant lies and distraction tactics, calm and confident. At one point, the usually timid Republican even asked the moderator politely if he could answer. Jabs at Biden's age were few but present. "I don't know what he finally said at the end of his sentence, I think he doesn't know it himself," he remarked after Biden lost the thread.

The debate improved slightly for Biden, but he remained disappointingly weak. On the most important issue for the Democrats and many other voters, abortion rights, he couldn't argue clearly. He was also off the mark on other issues because he expressed himself ambiguously. Trump, in turn, mostly ignored critical questions about social policy and managed to draw Biden into a bitter argument between old men about nonsense: for minutes on end, it was only about who was "the best" or "the worst" president.

Voters may not care. They have witnessed a TV debate that will likely reinforce their opinions: A majority of them do not want to see either Trump or Biden in the White House. Republicans will hardly nominate anyone else, and the Democrats have long suppressed any public discussion about Biden's age. Now, however, they will have to carefully consider the consequences of the disastrous performance by the President.

In light of the concerning performance during the US presidential election 2024 debate, discussions about Joe Biden stepping down for a younger candidate have emerged, with leading Democrats expressing concerns about his ability to lead for another four years. This debate has also highlighted the potential impact of politics and the health of candidates on TV debates, as Donald Trump presented a barrage of falsehoods and Biden struggled with his delivery.

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