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Five children injured in bus accident

The bus veers away from the road and collides with a lamp post. The cause of the accident should be determined by the police investigation.

The bus swerves from the road and collides with a lamp post. The cause of the accident must be...
The bus swerves from the road and collides with a lamp post. The cause of the accident must be determined by the police investigation.

Fulda - Five children injured in bus accident

At an accident involving a city bus in Fulda, five children were lightly injured. The bus had swerved off the road for yet unclear reasons and collided with a streetlight pole, according to a police spokesperson. No other vehicles were involved in the accident. The children were taken to a hospital for examination. The other bus passengers were not injured. Further details about the accident sequence and the ages of the children were initially unknown.

The police in Hesse are investigating the causes of the bus accident in Fulda. The children, who were injured, were lucky it was just a traffic incident involving a bus line. Another accident on the same bus line in the past had caused serious concerns about traffic safety. The police are urging parents to be extra cautious with their children around bus stops in Fulda.

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