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Fire department rescues family from burning house

In the night, a fire breaks out in a house. A mother and her two children are unable to escape the building alone.

The fire department rescues a mother and herchildren from a burning house in Buetherborn.(Image)
The fire department rescues a mother and herchildren from a burning house in Buetherborn.(Image)

Buttenborn - Fire department rescues family from burning house

From a burning multi-family house in Buttelborn (District of Groß-Gerau), the fire department rescued a mother and two children. According to the Südhessen police presidium, the fire broke out in the night to Monday.

Apparently, most of the building's residents managed to get out in time, but a mother and her two children, aged 11 and 14, were rescued by the fire department from the attic using a ladder. The family and three other people were treated on site for light smoke inhalation.

The house is initially not habitable. The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage are still to be determined. According to the reports, 70 firefighters were involved in the operation.

The fire in Buttalborn, located in Hesse, was reportedly contained by a large team of 70 firefighters. Despite the mother's initial attempt to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher, the situation worsened, necessitating the mother and her children to be rescued from the attic by the fire department. After the incident, the children expressed their gratitude to the fire department for their bravery and swift action.

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