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Finns buy "David's slingshot" missile defense system

Israel calls deal "historic"

Missile defense with a biblical name: David's
Missile defense with a biblical name: David's

Finns buy "David's slingshot" missile defense system

When it comes to missile defense, hardly any other country is as well versed as Israel. NATO countries also want to benefit from this expertise. Finland is investing 317 million euros in this.

According to Israel, it has concluded an agreement with new NATO member Finland for the sale of its "David's Sling" missile defense system. The Israeli Ministry of Defense described the agreement, worth 317 million euros, as "historic". According to the ministry, the system, which was developed jointly with US companies, is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones and other aircraft.

Finland, which became the 31st member of NATO in April, announced its plan to purchase "David's Sling" shortly afterwards.

In September, Israel had already concluded an agreement with Germany for the delivery of its Arrow 3 anti-missile shield. According to Israel, the arms deal is worth around 3.3 billion euros. According to the current status, the system, which was produced in cooperation with the US company Boeing, should be operational in Germany to a limited extent by the end of 2025.

Germany buys Arrow 3

The Arrow 3 mobile air defence system is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles fired from a distance of up to 2,400 kilometers above the atmosphere. It is intended to provide Germany with better protection against air attacks in future. According to Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius, it is also to be integrated into NATO's air defence system.

As a consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Germany launched an initiative for a new European air defense system last year, the "European Sky Shield" initiative. The aim of the shield is to close gaps in air defense.

Various systems suitable for defending against medium and long-range missiles or armed drones are to be integrated into the defensive shield proposed by Germany - also to protect against possible attacks from Russia.

Finland has agreed to purchase Israel's "David's Sling" missile defense system, marking a significant arms delivery to the Nordic country. This 317 million euro deal includes weapons capable of intercepting various threats such as ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones, and aircraft.

Reflecting on the increasing focus on missile defense in NATO countries, this agreement further emphasizes Finland's commitment to enhancing its defense capabilities.




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