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Finnish parliament votes for defense agreement with the USA

"Historic moment"

Finnish parliament votes for defense agreement with the USA
Finnish parliament votes for defense agreement with the USA

Finnish parliament votes for defense agreement with the USA

The Finnish Parliament unanimously approved a defense agreement with the USA. The social democratic chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Kimmo Kiljunen, spoke after the plenary session about a "historic moment". "The task of this agreement, just like the task of Finland's NATO membership, is to strengthen the security of Finland and the Finnish people," he emphasized.

The agreement signed by the Finnish government in December grants the USA access to 15 military support points in the Nordic country. It also allows for the presence and training of US soldiers, as well as the storage of weapons and military equipment. In addition, cooperation between the two countries in crisis situations will be intensified. Similar agreements have been signed by the USA with 11 other NATO countries, including Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

In neighboring Sweden, parliament approved the defense agreement in June only after intense debate. Critics feared it could lead to the stationing of atomic weapons and permanent US military bases in the country.

The topic was also contentious in Finland. Finnish parliamentarians argued for the application of national law banning atomic weapons, whose import and transport on Finnish soil is prohibited.

Finland became a member of NATO in April 2023. The country applied for membership after the start of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. The Nordic country shares a 1,340-kilometer border with Russia. Relations between the two countries have deteriorated since Finland's NATO membership.

  1. This historic defense agreement between Finland and the USA, approved by Parliament, is a significant moment in the country's efforts to strengthen its security, as highlighted by Kimmo Kiljunen, the social democratic chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
  2. The defense agreement with the USA, considered a historical milestone for Finland, includes granting access to 15 military support points, allowing US soldiers' presence and training, as well as the storage of weapons and military equipment.
  3. The defense agreement, deemed as a crucial part of Finland's NATO membership strategy, follows a trend where the USA has signed similar agreements with 11 other NATO countries, including Finland's neighbor, Sweden.

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