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Financial assistance of one thousand euros granted for acquiring a hammer.

Negative reception towards the bonus for long-term unemployed individuals in the SPD.
Negative reception towards the bonus for long-term unemployed individuals in the SPD.

Financial assistance of one thousand euros granted for acquiring a hammer.

The federal government is planning to give a 1000 euro bonus to individuals who manage to keep their job for a year after a period of long-term unemployment, as per their plan. However, the SPD, led by Lars Klingbeil, seems hesitant about this idea. Klingbeil questioned the necessity of this 1000 euro bonus during an interview, stating that not all decisions made by the government need approval from parliament.

The federal cabinet, which includes the SPD, Greens, and FDP, approved this plan last week. According to this regulation, individuals who have been employed in a socially insured job for over 12 months after long-term unemployment will be eligible for a one-time payment of 1000 euros. This change in unemployment benefits is part of a larger package and will take effect on January 1, 2025.

Green federal economics minister Robert Habeck supports this plan, while SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz has shown some reservations. Klingbeil argued that people are more likely to find work if they are offered a fair wage. The SPD is therefore focusing on increasing the minimum wage, improving collective bargaining agreements, ensuring stable pensions, and promoting secure jobs.

Preparing for a "catch-up race"

The SPD executive board is planning to strategize a "catch-up race" at a retreat this weekend and Monday. Current polls show that the SPD is receiving only half the support that the Union is getting. Klingbeil, however, is not hopeful for miracles. He emphasized the need for hard work and a determined body language from the party. The SPD must present a united front, according to Klingbeil.

Klingbeil also commented on the resignation of general secretary Kevin Kühnert. He denied any suggestion of a power struggle within the SPD. Kühnert's resignation was not sudden, as Klingbeil had noticed Kühnert's struggles beforehand. Kühnert announced his resignation due to health issues and has no plans to run for the Bundestag again.

Unemployed individuals who have recently secured a job after a long period may be eligible for the 1000 euro bonus, as per the government's plan, but some members of the SPD, like Lars Klingbeil, question its necessity.

Despite the government's initiative to boost employment with this bonus, the SPD, led by Klingbeil, is focusing on different strategies to increase job security, such as increasing the minimum wage and promoting secure jobs.

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