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The Chaos in Pictures - Fights

After the attack on Republican US Presidential candidate Donald Trump in the state of Pennsylvania, the alleged shooter has been reportedly killed according to US media. The Associated Press and CNN reported this based on the local district attorney. A participant in the campaign rally was also reported dead. Trump was taken into safety after the incident. A spokesperson stated that he is "fine," and will be investigated.

On video recordings of the event in the city of Butler, gunshots could be heard. Trump covered his ear and then ducked away. Security personnel ran onto the stage and shielded him. Trump, who was upright and supported by Secret Service agents, then left the stage. He raised his fist in the air. It looked like Trump had blood on his ear. The Republican had just begun his speech in Butler when the incident occurred.

Panic in the audience after attack on Donald Trump

A witness told US broadcaster CBS that he heard noises that he initially took for fireworks. Then someone shouted that a person had been shot. The witness, who was wearing an apparently bloodstained T-shirt, said he was a paramedic and tried to provide first aid. The person was severely injured. Another witness told the BBC they saw a man with a rifle on a roof.

After the incident, panic broke out in the audience. People screamed. Trump supporters were evacuated after the incident. The area around the stage was cordoned off with yellow tape and secured by heavily armed response teams.

Attack in the midst of the campaign

Trump is running for the Republican Party in the November presidential election. On Monday, the Republican Party convention is scheduled to begin in Milwaukee, where the 78-year-old is expected to be officially nominated as the candidate of his party for the election.

US President Joe Biden spoke to the press in the evening and called on everyone to condemn the attack on Trump. "There is no place for this kind of violence in America," Biden said in a hastily arranged statement in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where the Democrat was spending the weekend. "This is sick. We must come together as a nation to condemn this." The President added, looking at Trump, "I'm glad to hear that he's safe and doing well." "I pray for him and his family and for all those who were at the gathering as we wait for more information."

  1. Despite the attack on the US-President Donald Trump during his campaign rally in Pennsylvania, he assured US-Media that he was "fine" and would undergo investigation.
  2. In the midst of the US election campaign, Republicans, including Trump, were heavily guarded by security personnel due to increasing threats and anxieties.
  3. The incident at the Pennsylvania rally, where a participant was fatally shot, was initially mistaken by some audience members as fireworks, as reported by the US-Media.
  4. After hearing about the attack on Donald Trump, the Republican Party condemned the act of violence and expressed concern for the US-President's safety.

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