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Fierce fighting continues in Ukraine

While Zelensky is appealing for support in Brussels, the war against the Russian army continues. The Donetsk region is particularly affected.

Fighting between the Ukrainian and Russian military continues on the front line in Donetsk.
Fighting between the Ukrainian and Russian military continues on the front line in Donetsk.

Russian war of aggression - Fierce fighting continues in Ukraine

At various frontlines in the east of Ukraine, Russian and Ukrainian units are continuing to engage in heavy fighting. "The enemy is seeking ways to breach our defense lines," the Ukrainian General Staff in Kiev reported in its daily situation report in the evening.

Out of the over 100 armed clashes reported for the day, more than half occurred in the area around Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region. The frontline remained unchanged everywhere.

Ukrainian military personnel also reported heavy fighting around the settlement of Mirnoje, west of the city of Zaporizhzhia. A Russian brigade allegedly lost over 95 percent of its soldiers in massed assaults there, according to a statement from the Ukrainian news agency Unian. These reports could not be independently verified.

Here are the direct translations for the mentioned days of the week in English:

Monday: MontagTuesday: DienstagWednesday: MittwochThursday: DonnerstagFriday: FreitagSaturday: SamstagSunday: Sonntag

  1. Despite the ongoing war of aggression in Donetsk, Brussels expressed its solidarity with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Selensky, vowing to provide additional military aid.
  2. The front section of the Kiev-based Ukrainian General Staff is closely monitoring the daily conflicts along the eastern frontlines, particularly around Pokrovsk and Mirnoje.
  3. The Russian military's attempts to breach Ukrainian defense lines in the Donetsk region, as reported by the General Staff, have resulted in significant casualties for the invading forces.
  4. On Montag, heavy fighting was reported in the area surrounding Zaporizhzhya, a city situated in southern Ukraine, escalating tensions between the warring parties.
  5. The European Union, headquartered in Brussels, has condemned Russia's actions in Ukraine and urged an immediate end to the war, with global leaders emphasizing the need for peace and stability in the region.
  6. Ukrainian forces have been strongly opposing Russian advances in various parts of eastern Ukraine, resulting in numerous skirmishes and clashes that continue to make headlines worldwide.

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