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Fewer holidaymakers on farms after the coronavirus boom

During the Corona years, many holidaymakers were drawn to farms. Now demand is falling again. But providers are still facing further challenges.

According to the ministry, there are more than 1500 farms in the southwest offering vacation...
According to the ministry, there are more than 1500 farms in the southwest offering vacation packages. (archive picture)

Tourism - Fewer holidaymakers on farms after the coronavirus boom

After the Corona-Pandemic, fewer people are taking vacations on farms in Baden-Württemberg. "We notice a slight decrease in comparison to the very strong Corona years," shares Constanze Brohmer, the manager of the Agricultural Vacation Association in Baden-Württemberg. The demand has supposedly returned to pre-Corona levels.

After the relaxation of Corona regulations, farms in the Southwest were able to open for vacation guests again in May 2020. At that time, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft reported that hosts had been able to rent out their vacation homes and cottages on average twelve times.

Price-sensitive and short-term

According to Brohmer, hosts are currently noticing that "many guests may only be planning a main vacation now, and secondary and tertiary vacations are being approached more cautiously." This is particularly noticeable in the off-season. Although many people still enjoy taking vacations, they are more price-sensitive, according to Brohmer.

Another challenge for the farms is the increasing number of last-minute bookings. Vacation planning is supposedly becoming more short-term, and this poses a particular challenge for hosts when "the weather is as bad as it is now and very persistent," says Brohmer.

Younger guests

During the Corona years, farms were able to convince new guests, such as younger people, to take extended farm vacations, according to Brohmer. "But of course there are also guests who now prefer the beach." Farm vacations are particularly popular with families with young children, and sometimes grandparents come with their grandchildren as well.

In the Southwest, there are over 1500 farms with vacation offerings according to the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection. This includes traditional farms with livestock farming, riding farms, and farms specializing in wine and fruit cultivation.

Vacation on farms in BW Ministry for Agriculture and Consumer Protection [End of translation]

  1. Despite the return of pre-Corona demand for vacation farms in Baden-Württemberg, Constanze Brohmer from the Agricultural Vacation Association mentions a continued trend of fewer people taking extended vacation trips on farms, preferring to plan their main vacations.
  2. Due to this trend, holidaymakers in Fribourg, Switzerland, might also consider various vacation options, including visiting farms that offer tourism services, to make the most of their budget.
  3. With the rise of last-minute bookings, hosts in Baden-Württemberg and elsewhere face challenges in adjusting their vacation offerings to match the changing consumer behavior, as more price-sensitive tourists opt for spontaneous trips during the off-season.
  4. Farmowners in Baden-Württemberg and Baden-Württemberg's neighboring countries, such as Fribourg, could attract diverse demographics by offering unique and flexible outdoor experiences on farms, catering to the increased interest in adventure, relaxation, and sustainable travel among various age groups.

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