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Fee increase due to new water law in MV

Households in MV pay an average of 2.60 euros for a cubic meter of drinking water. The new water law will increase the price by 10 cents. Farmers will also have to pay for the irrigation of their fields in future.

Households in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are to pay more for drinking water in future. However, at...
Households in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are to pay more for drinking water in future. However, at around 15 euros more per year for groundwater abstraction, the cost increase for a family of four is rather modest.

Consumption to fall - Fee increase due to new water law in MV

With a new version of the Water Law of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the state government aims to promote more efficient water usage in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and partially regulate flood and flooding protection. According to Agriculture and Environment Minister Till Backhaus (SPD), the cabinet passed the legislative amendment in Schwerin on Tuesday, which now goes to the associations for consultation and is expected to be discussed in the autumn in the parliament.

According to the draft, the fee for groundwater extraction will be doubled from 10 to 20 cents per cubic meter. As Backhaus announced, this means an increase in water tariffs for a family of four with an annual consumption of about 150 cubic meters by 15 euros per year. Farmers and horticulturists, who have been able to irrigate their fields free of charge according to the old DDR water law, will have to pay for water usage in the future. However, there have been protests against this.

In terms of protecting settlement areas from flooding, the state intends to focus on contiguous residential and commercial areas in the future. The construction and maintenance of flood and coastal protection facilities for areas outside densely populated areas should remain in the hands of municipalities and water and soil associations or be transferred to them.

  1. The SPD, being a part of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania government, supports the new Water Law aiming to improve water usage efficiency and flood protection.
  2. The proposed Water Law includes a significant fee increase for groundwater extraction, from 10 to 20 cents per cubic meter, which may affect the water bills of consumers in Schwerin.
  3. In response to the fee increase, farmers and horticulturists in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, who have been using water for free under the old DDR water law, have voiced their protests.
  4. Under the new Water Law, agricultural activities and consumption in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will no longer be exempt from water usage fees, as the state aims to promote a more sustainable water management system.
  5. The state government in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern plans to prioritize flood protection for contiguous residential and commercial areas, while allowing municipalities and water and soil associations to handle the construction and maintenance of flood protection facilities in less populated areas.
  6. Till Backhaus, the Agriculture and Environment Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (SPD), expects the new version of the Water Law to be discussed and potentially approved in the autumn parliament session, following consultations with associations.

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