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Federal Public Prosecutor General opens investigation against former Wirecard manager Marsalek

Accused of Russian espionage

Federal Public Prosecutor General opens investigation against former Wirecard manager Marsalek
Federal Public Prosecutor General opens investigation against former Wirecard manager Marsalek

Federal Public Prosecutor General opens investigation against former Wirecard manager Marsalek

The internationally wanted ex-Wirecard manager Jan Marsalek has reportedly come under investigation by the German Federal Prosecutor's Office. According to the "Spiegel" report on Friday, Federal Prosecutor Jens Rommel has initiated investigations against the fugitive former board member of the collapsed financial services provider. Marsalek is accused of spying for Russia. The Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe and the Munich law firm representing Marsalek declined to comment.

The Munich-based DAX company Wirecard collapsed in June 2020 when it was discovered that 1.9 billion Euro were missing from trust accounts in Asia. The bankruptcy is one of the biggest financial scandals in post-war German history. Several criminal and civil proceedings are ongoing against former managers.

Marsalek, who was based in Munich, was responsible for Wirecard's Asia business and was considered a leading figure within the company. His whereabouts were lost in Belarus. Later, he was reportedly spotted in Russia. The Munich Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating Marsalek for suspected fraud and has issued an international arrest warrant for him.

In the context of espionage allegations, Marsalek's name had also been mentioned in Austria and in the UK. In relation to a spying trial against several Bulgarians in the UK, in which Marsalek's name came up, the Federal Prosecutor's Office had announced in September of last year that they were in contact with the British authorities.

The Attorney General's office is now involved in the investigations against Marsalek, due to the espionage accusations. It's been reported that Marsalek, the ex-Wirecard manager under investigation, is accused of spying for Russia. Despite these allegations, Marsalek's attorney in Munich has remained silent on the matter.

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