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Federal Prosecutor's Office arrests two suspects alleged to support IS militia

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IS fighter in Syrian hospital: IS controlled large areas in Iraq and the neighboring civil war...
IS fighter in Syrian hospital: IS controlled large areas in Iraq and the neighboring civil war country Syria (archive image)

Federal Prosecutor's Office arrests two suspects alleged to support IS militia

The Federal Prosecutor's Office has arrested two suspected supporters of the terror militia Islamic State (IS) in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. They are accused of being members of a criminal organization that collected money for the IS in Germany and other European countries. Seven objects were searched simultaneously in Berlin, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Saxony, according to the Karlsruhe authority.

The Men are said to have joined the criminal group approximately two years ago, according to the reports. This group reportedly solicited donations through social media and sent the money to an IS member residing abroad for further distribution. The money was primarily used for imprisoned women and IS fighters.

The Federal Prosecutor's Office accuses the Men of supporting a terrorist organization abroad and violating the Foreign Trade Act. The arrests and searches on Thursday involved officials from the Federal Criminal Police, the State Criminal Police of Berlin and Brandenburg, and local police forces in the states. The Men were expected to be presented to the Investigating Judge of the Federal Court of Justice later in the day. He decides on the detention.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) stated, the arrests showed once again how vigorously security authorities are dealing with Islamic terror and its supporters. "We have the Islamic scene in our sights. This applies all the more to those who support 'IS' terror from Germany, form terror financing networks, and collect donations."

The arrested individuals, identified as supporters of the terror militia IS, were allegedly collecting donations for the organization through social media. The Federal Prosecutor's Office is also accusing them of aiding a foreign terrorist organization and breaching the Foreign Trade Act.

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