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Federal government presents first equivalence report

Current status and subsidies

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Federal government presents first equivalence report

The cabinet will decide on the first Equality Report of the Federal Government on a Wednesday (11:00 am). Afterwards, Federal Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) plan to present it at a press conference (12:15 pm). The establishment of equal living conditions is constitutionally enshrined and therefore a state goal. The Federal Government is trying to implement this with various funding programs.

The report prepared by the Economy and Interior Ministry will now for the first time show the current status of the establishment of equal living conditions. The effect of the funding programs will also be presented. Besides data for several indicators, the basis is also a survey of the population in the districts. The traffic light government is implementing this project with the creation of the report as part of the coalition agreement.

The Equivalence Report, once approved by the cabinet, will be presented by Ministers Habeck and Faeser, highlighting the current state of equal living conditions' implementation and the impact of subsidies. The Federal Government's steadfast commitment to this goal is evident in their ongoing efforts to stand by their subsidy programs.

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