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Federal Government intends to toughen Air Safety Law

In response to protest actions

Federal government will toughen Air Safety Law
Federal government will toughen Air Safety Law

Federal Government intends to toughen Air Safety Law

In response to protest actions by the Last Generation, the German federal government plans to toughen the Air Safety Law. The cabinet approved a corresponding bill from Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on Wednesday. A new criminal offense is to be introduced: Those who unauthorizedly enter runways or landing strips at airports will in the future face a prison sentence of up to two years. For aiding and abetting, the penalty will be up to five years.

"Someone who intrudes onto airport grounds, sticks to runways and thereby significantly obstructs air traffic, not only risks their own life," explained Faeser. It is also dangerous for bystanders. "Such incidents often block tens of thousands of passengers and cause significant economic damage." The attempt to intrude onto airport grounds is to be punishable in the future. So far, only a fine threatened for this.

The bill was reportedly coordinated closely with Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing. "I hope that this legislative tightening will deter activists and prevent disruptions during the current peak travel season," Wissing stated. The Climate Activists of the Last Generation have repeatedly intruded into airport grounds and glued themselves to runways, most recently at the beginning of the Pentecost holidays in Munich, blocking numerous flights.

The Federal government's reaction to the ProtestActions by the Last Generation involves strengthening the Air Security Law, specifically introducing a new criminal offense under the Air Safety Law. When this new law comes into effect, individuals engaging in UnauthorizedProtestActions on airport runways or landing strips could face prison sentences of up to two years, while those aiding and abetting such actions could face a penalty of up to five years.

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