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Federal Foreign Office condemns approvals of new settlements in the West Bank

"Violation of international law"

Federal Foreign Office condemns approvals of new settlements in the West Bank
Federal Foreign Office condemns approvals of new settlements in the West Bank

Federal Foreign Office condemns approvals of new settlements in the West Bank

The German Foreign Office strongly condemns the approval of settlements and the legalization of Israeli outposts in the West Bank by the Israeli government. "Israeli settlement building in the occupied Palestinian territories constitutes a serious breach of applicable international law and undermines efforts to achieve a two-state solution. The expansion of settlements threatens peace and security for all people in the region," the spokesperson of the German Foreign Ministry said in Berlin on Friday.

"We therefore call on the Israeli government to immediately revoke these decisions," the spokesperson added. We consider it particularly disturbing and cynical that the adoption of a plan, which was proposed among others by Israel's extremist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, is a reaction to the recent recognition of Palestine by various states.

A lasting solution to the conflict can only be achieved with and not against a reformed Palestinian Autonomous Authority (PA), the spokesperson said. "We reject all measures that weaken the Palestinian Authority."

Israel's Security Cabinet had previously approved the legalization of five settlement outposts in the West Bank and sanctions against several representatives of the PA. According to Israeli media, Smotrich intends to take steps to release the PA's funds in return. Background are international concerns that the Authority could collapse.

The USA and Germany want to play an important role in the Gaza Strip again after the war. Hamas had violently expelled the Autonomous Authority from the coastal strip in 2007. Israel's extremist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich recently announced that he would withhold millions of dollars from the PA and instead pay compensation to Israeli terror victims. Israel collects taxes and tariffs on behalf of the Authority according to the Oslo Accords.

  1. The German Foreign Office expressed concern over the potential infringement of international law with the issuance of permits for settlements and outposts in the West Bank, as it could further complicate the resolution of Israel-Palestine conflicts governed by international law.
  2. Critics argue that these settlements and permit approvals are a deliberate violation of international law and foreign affairs norms, undermining the office's efforts to establish a peaceful coexistence and lasting settlement between Israel and surrounding nations.
  3. Establishing new settlements in the West Bank and legalizing outposts without necessary permits, as well as infringing upon the Palestinian Autonomous Authority's resources, may lead to increased tension and risk of further escalation in the region, potentially harming prospects for peace and stability at large.

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