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FDP parliamentarians intend to shut down radical mosques.

Remove extreme opinion leaders

In Hamburg, supporters of the Islamist group Muslim Interactive had chanted extremist slogans.
In Hamburg, supporters of the Islamist group Muslim Interactive had chanted extremist slogans.

FDP parliamentarians intend to shut down radical mosques.

Recently, a horrifying knife attack took place in Mannheim. This tragic incident has left the German political scene reeling. The FDP now wants to crack down on extremist groups. They also suggest stricter measures against radical preachers on platforms like TikTok.

In response to the knife attack, the FDP's parliamentary group has drafted a paper on combating Islamism. This paper proposes a more assertive stance towards extremist Muslim communities and their radical influencers.

The paper states, "Places of worship like the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH), where extremist ideology is fostered, should be shut down." Organizations such as Muslim Interactive should be prohibited. These supporters of the organization displayed banners at demonstrations against the Israeli military operation in Gaza with the message, "Caliphate is the solution."

To combat the radicalization of individuals through the internet, the faction is also advocating for immigration restrictions on Islamic influencers who incite violence and hatred. Furthermore, they propose taking action against online platforms that do not effectively combat illegal content. The paper adds, "Even TikTok preachers contribute to the radicalization of Muslim youth and women." It should not be acceptable for political information to be censored while Islamic preachers are free to promote their calls for violence without consequences.

Additionally, the FDP faction is requesting legal changes. If someone defends a single terrorist act, this should in the future serve as a significant basis for deportation. "Beyond these measures, the Muslim community must ensure that extremist thinking doesn't spread and that radicalized Muslims are specifically targeted," commented the deputy faction leader, Konstantin Kuhle. He believes that mosque communities and Islamic associations have a responsibility to more forcefully oppose religious extremism than previously.

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