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FDP-Leader Lindner: No coalition under red chancellor

In surveys, the Traffic Light coalition has lost its governing majority. The next federal election is in about a year. FDP leader Lindner is already making it clear what isn't working for his party.

FDP leader Lindner sees his party as a corrective in the Traffic Light: Presenting an alternative...
FDP leader Lindner sees his party as a corrective in the Traffic Light: Presenting an alternative to an SPD and Greens policy that would exclude us.

Summer interview - FDP-Leader Lindner: No coalition under red chancellor

FDP Leader Christian Lindner ruled out his party's participation in a potential Federal Government led by the Greens: "For me, it's clear: More green, so with a green Chancellor and a greener government program, that wouldn't fit us," the Finance Minister stated in an interview with ARD-"Hauptstadstudio". "I've even said something for the case of a potential Green Chancellor candidate Habeck," he added. Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck is considered the most likely Green Chancellor candidate, following Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock's public resignation.

Lindner expressed himself on the "Ask Yourself" social media format, where viewers can submit online questions prior to the classical ARD "Summer Interview" broadcast on Sunday. A user reportedly asked if Lindner would support a government with Green participation again. That's open, he said. The programs are not yet known. The FDP will position itself on the issue at a given time.

Re-entry of FDP into the next Bundestag open

The next Federal Election is predicted to be around September 28, 2025. According to current polls, a re-run of the Traffic Light Coalition is unlikely, as a majority of SPD, Greens, and FDP would not be enough. The Free Democrats themselves are only polling between 4 and 6 percent. Regarding how he intends to get his party over the Five-Percent Hurdle again, Lindner said, "The FDP is the only party that stands for individual freedom, gives people something to believe in, and respects performance and property. We fight for that every day. Where are the rumors of the Traffic Light Coalition coming from? Because the FDP is opposing a politics, like SPD and Greens, without us. We would be happy to continue that."

  1. Annalena Baerbock, previously the Green Party's Chancellor candidate, made a public resignation.
  2. Robert Habeck, a key figure in the Green Party, is now considered the most likely Green Chancellor candidate following Baerbock's resignation.
  3. In a Summer interview with ARD-"Hauptstadstudio", Christian Lindner, the FDP Leader, ruled out his party's participation in a potential Federal Government led by the Greens.
  4. Lindner stated that a government with Green participation would not fit the FDP, and he had even made a statement for the case of a potential Green Chancellor candidate, Habeck.
  5. The next Federal Election is predicted to be around September 28, 2025, and according to current polls, a re-run of the Traffic Light Coalition is unlikely.
  6. The FDP themselves are only polling between 4 and 6 percent, making it challenging for them to meeting the Five-Percent Hurdle required to enter the next Bundestag.
  7. During a "Summer Interview" broadcast on ARD, Lindner expressed that he would support a government with Green participation but only if the programs align with their party's values.
  8. The FDP will position themselves on the issue at a given time and continue to fight for individual freedom, giving people something to believe in, while opposing politics without them.

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