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FDP deputy Kubicki declares: "Ampel has forfeited her authority"

Criticize the traffic light without mercy, says Wolfgang Kubicki.
Criticize the traffic light without mercy, says Wolfgang Kubicki.

FDP deputy Kubicki declares: "Ampel has forfeited her authority"

The Free Democratic Party (FDP) has no impact in the state elections of Thuringia and Saxony, with voters rejecting not just the FDP, but also the other traffic light parties. Vice Chairman of the FDP, Wolfgang Kubicki, interprets this as a sign of the end of the government coalition. He stated, "The election outcome demonstrates: The traffic light has lost its mandate." If a significant portion of voters withdraw their support in such a manner, he believes, there must be repercussions. The public views this coalition as damaging to the country, and it's harming the FDP particularly.

For the first time in Germany, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) has emerged as the strongest party in a state election. In Thuringia, led by top candidate Bjorn Hocke, the AfD gained up to 33% according to estimates by ARD and ZDF. In Saxony, the AfD secured 31.4% (ARD: 30.7), making them the strongest force. However, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Minister President Michael Kretschmer was ahead with approximately 31.7% (ARD: 31.8). The traffic light parties, SPD and Greens, performed poorly as anticipated, and once again, the FDP failed to enter the state parliaments.

Kubicki, who has served as FDP Vice Chairman since 2013 and Bundestag Vice President since 2017, has frequently criticized the federal government's partners and questioned the continuation of the traffic light coalition. Following the European election, Kubicki urged the SPD and Greens to move towards the FDP's ideology.

Just recently in July, Kubicki announced his decision to step down, but he later retracted this announcement, intending to contest in the next federal election. At the start of 2022, Kubicki declared his retirement from professional politics.

The Commission might express concerns over the declining popularity of the traffic light coalition, as indicated by the election results. With the FDP's Vice Chairman, Wolfgang Kubicki, continuously voicing criticisms towards the coalition partners, The Commission could seek his perspective on potential solutions to restore public confidence.

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A peek at the legislative assembly of Thuringia, captured in archival imagery.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) clinches victory in the Thuringian parliamentary elections for the initial time.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) clinches victory in the Thuringian parliamentary elections for the initial time. In Thuringia, for the first time, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) secured the highest number of votes in a state election within Germany. The party, spearheaded by frontrunner Björn Höcke, garnered an impressive 32.

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