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FDP demands use of shoulder lanes for traffic

Holiday time, travel time - and often a lot of time in traffic. Hamburg is a crucial bottleneck with Elbe bridges and tunnels on the way to and from the north.

FDP demands lane release on highways in traffic circulation
FDP demands lane release on highways in traffic circulation

Status - FDP demands use of shoulder lanes for traffic

The Hamburg FDP calls for the release of emergency lanes on highways in and around the city during the summer vacation season. In other metropolitan areas like Munich, the possibility of allowing shared use of emergency lanes on heavily congested roads such as A9 and A99 during peak hours has already been implemented, thereby increasing traffic capacity, said Hamburg's state chairwoman Sonja Jacobsen to the German Press Agency.

In Hamburg, summer vacations begin on Thursday - a beautiful time for students, she said. "But, as every year, we are threatened with an enormous traffic jam from neighboring federal states and from Hamburg itself." Hamburg is the bottleneck of the north and its infrastructure capacities are exhausted.

"The use of the shoulder lanes on highways would make traffic flow faster," said Jacobsen. Experts speak of a capacity increase of 15 to 25 percent through this relatively small measure.

FDP wants more digital traffic guidance systems in the metropolitan region

This must be supplemented by the expansion of digital traffic guidance systems on federal highways. In particular, dynamic signage and signage should be implemented on the B75. Traffic jams would be significantly reduced with this.

"This means that economic traffic can continue to flow in Hamburg and the engine of the city does not stutter during phases of extreme traffic congestion," said Jacobsen. The responsibility for this - depending on their readiness - lies with the state and federal authorities.

  1. The proposal from Hamburg's FDP to release emergency lanes during summer vacation in Hamburg has not been implemented yet, like it has in Munich on heavy traffic roads such as A9 and A99.
  2. The German Press Agency reported that Sonja Jacobsen, the state chairwoman of the FDP in Hamburg, suggested using emergency lanes to increase traffic capacity, citing an estimated 15 to 25% increase in capacity.
  3. In Munich, the FDP's proposal for shared usage of emergency lanes during peak hours has been successful in addressing traffic congestion on major roads like A9 and A99, according to Jacobsen.
  4. Apart from the release of emergency lanes, Jacobsen also advocated for the implementation of digital traffic guidance systems, including dynamic signage, on the B75, to further alleviate traffic congestion in the metropolitan region.

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