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Fauci's Latest Memoir, Skyrocketing Nvidia, and Revival of Titanic Tourism: A Recap of Today's News Headlines

Daily Digest from CNN: Highlights You May Have Overlooked Amid Your Hectic Schedule

Dr. Anthony Fauci talks with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta about his new memoir.
Dr. Anthony Fauci talks with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta about his new memoir.

Fauci's Latest Memoir, Skyrocketing Nvidia, and Revival of Titanic Tourism: A Recap of Today's News Headlines

🤙 Hey there! Welcome to 5 Things Nightly! Older adults are often plagued with concerns, and the high cost of healthcare is a significant factor. New study reveals their apprehension about the expense of medical treatment and medications, along with their financial capacity to cover them.

Here’s what you might have skipped during your hectic day:

5 things

1️⃣ Anthony Fauci: Often credited for guiding the US through the Covid-19 crisis amidst political turmoil, Dr. Anthony Fauci indicates empathy as the driving force behind his medical career. He recalls an old saying from high school that kept him going. 📹 Check out: Fauci recalls 'painful' moment when he had to correct Trump

2️⃣ Nvidia taking over: Now the most valuable company globally, overtaking Microsoft, Nvidia’s stock has been surging for the last year and a half.

3️⃣ Titanic revisited: Despite last year’s deep-sea submersible mishap, another operator prepares for its own journey to the Titanic wreckage. Triton ensures its vessels undergo rigorous testing by third parties.

4️⃣ Diet progress: A major boost to our attempts to curb bad diet habits, with leading cardiologists stating that Americans have moved up from an F to a D on a grading scale. Discover how to improve further.

5️⃣ Netflix worlds: Shaking up the TV industry, Netflix plans massive entertainment complexes in two cities where fans can dive into their favorite show worlds.

Watch this

This dog fell 30 feet into a volcano fissure. See how she got out. Misty, a dog in Hawaii, fell 30 feet down a volcano fissure in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. She was rescued by avid hiker and repeller Kawika Singson after he heard about her plight on social media.

👀 Dog rescue: Misty, a hunting dog, fell 30 feet into a volcano fissure in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. A hiker stepped in to help pull the stranded Misty out.

Top headlines

Trump’s court order stays: New York’s highest court upheld Trump’s restraining order• Justin Timberlake apprehended: In New York, Justin Timberlake was taken into custody for allegedly driving while under the influence• Club Q shooter imprisoned: Life sentence with an additional 190 years for the Club Q shooter for pleading guilty


Intense testimony: Boeing CEO, Dave Calhoun, testified before a Senate panel addressing safety concerns and apologized to the families of tragic accident victims.

Trivia time

🏀 The Boston Celtics just won their 18th NBA championship, the most by any team. Which franchise is second on the list with 17?A. Chicago BullsB. Philadelphia 76ersC. Los Angeles LakersD. Golden State Warriors⬇️ Scroll down to check your answer.

Your health

WIDE_Dog falls down volcano fissure.00_00_25_12.Still001.jpg

🥦 Obesity management: To help children with elevated body mass indices, experts recommend behavior-focused intervention — however, they are not advocating for diet pills.

What's next

🗓️ Tomorrow: It is Juneteenth, a federal holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the US. Financial institutions, post offices, and most banks will be closed.

Sunny sides

🇺🇸 We always aim to end on a positive note: Ralph Lauren revealed the new Team USA uniforms for the Summer Olympics in Paris, featuring a traditional take on Americana and sporty preppy style. Take a peek.

Sign off

🤝 We’ll catch you tomorrow.💬 What did you enjoy in today’s 5 Things Nightly? Did we miss anything? Email us: [email protected]🧠 Trivia answer: C. Los Angeles Lakers. Before the Boston Celtics’ win on Monday, the Celtics and Lakers both had secured 17 NBA titles.📧 Subscribe to all of CNN’s newsletters.

5 Things Nightly is curated by CNN’s Tricia Escobedo, Meghan Pryce, and Kimberly Richardson.


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