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Fatal knife attack probably followed sexual harassment

Before the knife attack on a 20-year-old in Kaiserslautern, the victim is said to have sexually harassed her. According to investigators, a video from a surveillance camera shows this. It also shows further details.

A woman is said to have killed a 64-year-old man in Kaiserslautern with a knife. The crime was...
A woman is said to have killed a 64-year-old man in Kaiserslautern with a knife. The crime was apparently preceded by a sexual assault against the 20-year-old.

Killing in Kaiserslautern - Fatal knife attack probably followed sexual harassment

A lethal stabbing attack against a 64-year-old man at Kaiserslautern Main Station is likely preceded by sexual harassment against the suspecting woman. The 20-year-old woman is in custody, as the Kaiserslautern Prosecutor's Office announced on Monday. On the image material of the Hauptbahnhof's video surveillance, it is recognizable how the 64-year-old man grabs the 20-year-old woman on a moving walkway and approaches her chair.

A quarrel then ensued in the station's underpass, during which the woman pulled out a folding knife, opened it, and pointed it at the 64-year-old man, who stepped back, as can be seen on the recordings. The 20-year-old woman is then said to have attacked the man with the knife. The 64-year-old man was reportedly stabbed in the chest area, according to a spokesperson for the Prosecutor's Office. He died in the hospital on the same day. The exact course of events is the subject of further investigations. The 20-year-old woman is now being investigated for manslaughter. The woman and the man were previously unknown to each other.

The suspect surrendered to the police shortly after the incident, as they were searching for her. The reason for the arrest warrant is stated to be a possible flight risk by the Prosecutor's Office.

  1. The knife attack at the Kaiserslautern Main Station, resulting in a man's death, is currently under investigation by the public prosecutor's office in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
  2. The incident at the central station involved a woman who is accused of sexual harassment towards another individual, which may have triggered the violent stabbing attack.
  3. The knife attack, which took place in Kaiserslautern, a city in Germany, resulted in a fatality, leaving the public in shock and authorities scrambling for answers.
  4. The woman, who is currently being held in custody, allegedly used a folding knife in the attack at the Hauptbahnhof in Kaiserslauthren, a city known for its rich history and culture in the heart of Germany.

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