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Far away and still there: Horst Seehofer turns 75

He was a federal minister, CSU leader and Bavarian Minister President. He was respected - and controversial. Now Horst Seehofer, perhaps one of the last great political warhorses of the Republic, turns 75.

Life without politics - a lot has changed for former CSU leader Horst Seehofer, but he is not bored...
Life without politics - a lot has changed for former CSU leader Horst Seehofer, but he is not bored (archive photo).

Birthday - Far away and still there: Horst Seehofer turns 75

Horst Seehofer is gone, far away. For someone who made politics at the forefront for more than four decades, always in the heat, always in the spotlight, he managed to exit in an astonishing way. Not long after he had given up his last top position as Federal Interior Minister at the end of 2021, he had already disappeared from the public scene. He has made only a few larger appearances since then, the last one being during the European election campaign for CSU-Chairman Manfred Weber. Since then, nothing more. In conversation, one gets the impression: The former top politician Seehofer is today an extremely contented political retiree. Old companions confirm this.

Phantom pains, like some others before him? A no-show. "That was my intention - and I have succeeded in that," he says. And what Seehofer still holds on to (and what many would not have given him credit for): That he, who once could bring coalitions into turmoil or unsettle his entire party with just a few words, now, for over two and a half years, has been silent, except for rare exceptions. Today, he celebrates his 75th birthday.

Seehofer enjoys his new, quieter life far from Munich and Berlin. "That's a strange liberating blow: No longer having any responsibility pressure, no longer being bound by fixed plans. I only make pleasant appointments and do what brings me joy," he says. "I'm involved locally for universities, the church, sports clubs. I also help out with advice and sometimes even with deeds. In addition, I'm a lot in nature and go to many taverns and conversation circles with friends. I'm not bored." And Seehofer reads a lot, rides a bike, e-bike, and works part-time on the digitalization of his model railway. He scans the news daily, but only a few articles read completely.

"I don't go on talk shows"

As a pensioner, Seehofer has not been seen at CSU party events or on executive boards. "I keep myself completely away from public statements, except for perhaps one interview a year. I don't go on talk shows," he says and emphasizes: "Above all, the fundamental decision not to evaluate the politics of my successor was the right one." However, it must be said: The relationship between Seehofer and the current Minister President and CSU Chairman Markus Söder is known to be poor. No new interviews from either side are needed for that.

Söder congratulates Seehofer - of course without mentioning all this - in advance: Bavaria owes him much. "He managed crises in difficult times, actively shaped the future, and gave the people confidence as a father of the country." Seehofer has earned great merits as a full-blooded politician and can look back on an impressive body of work.

It's interesting that Seehofer, in a recent interview with the "Augsburger Allgemeinen," talks about the situation of the CDU and CSU. He sees the potential for the Union as a whole at 30 to 40 percent, and for the CSU "far beyond 40 percent." However, they are currently only reaching the lower end, at best. In the past few years, no election result from his time has been achieved. "I'm just stating the facts, without accusation," Seehofer adds. And does he consider Friedrich Merz the right man for the Union's chancellor candidacy, the CDU chairman? "Yes," Seehofer answers. "He does his job as party and faction chairman very well. He has straightened out the CDU."

More than forty decades of politics

Seehofer's political achievements are not even seriously questioned by his political adversaries and opponents. He has dedicated most of his life, a total of more than forty years, to politics. He sat in the Bundestag for the CSU for a total of 28 years. He became a federal minister, party chairman, and Bavarian Minister-President. He experienced highs and lows, personally and politically. In 2002, he suffered a heart muscle inflammation that almost cost him his life.

Politically, Seehofer also experienced ups and downs: His entire career was at stake during a dispute over healthcare policy when he had to step down as deputy chairman of the Bundestag faction. Years later, he lost the fight for the CSU chairmanship to his rival Erwin Huber - before he came back after the Landtag election defeat in 2008.

As Bavarian Minister-President, Seehofer governed for several years without being criticized - but not uncriticized: His critics accused him of an autocratic leadership style and being a ruthless populist who changed course like a feather in the wind.

A "social conscience" for the CSU

A historically significant achievement of Seehofer's was a trip he took to Prague at the end of 2010. Seehofer was the one who ended the political ice age regarding the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans: With the first visit of a Bavarian government leader in Prague, he opened a new chapter in relations with the Czech Republic. And what set Seehofer apart: a social compass that many politicians seem to lack today. The "social conscience" of the CSU was once referred to, with a focus on the "little people" - he himself had worked his way up from humble beginnings.

"The most beautiful office was indeed the Minister-President's office, because of the contact with so many people all over the country," Seehofer says today. "Some even think you're the heir to the throne, and that hasn't changed yet. And the most memorable experience was that we managed to regain an absolute majority in the Landtag again in 2013."

Triumphs and bitter defeats

However, peaks like these were followed by painful defeats in Bavaria for Seehofer. His political end as Bavarian Minister-President and as CSU chairman was reluctant, despite new election losses. But the growing internal pressure within the CSU eventually forced him to resign from office on the advice of others. It was one of the last bitter defeats for Seehofer: He had to give way to his long-time rival Soeder.

Seehofer continued - in Berlin. At the age of 68, Seehofer became Federal Interior Minister in early 2018, with responsibilities also for Building and Homeland. Under Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom he had previously argued for years about refugee policy.

Seehofer remained loyal: In his new position, he brought part of the Republic against himself from time to time. He threatened Merkel spectacularely with resignation, it was again about asyl and refugee policy - and in the end he gave in quietly. Seehofer, in a resolute tone, always presented himself as completely stringent in other respects.

Looking back, he sees only individual errors. "My first reform as Federal Health Minister, I would design differently today, more flexibly, not so harshly," he says. Criticism that, as Bavarian Minister-President, he had slowed down the construction of power lines or wind turbines, he does not acknowledge. "I stand by what we have decided, and that's 100%," he says. "We have prevented a lot of unrest with that."

What he wishes for the future? "Politically, I would like a wish: that significantly more is done for children from disadvantaged families - so that they also receive a reasonable education. Education is, after all, the door to life," he says. "And personally, I have only one wish: health for my environment and for me."

  1. Horst Seehofer, now retired, briefly reappeared during the European election campaign for CSU-Chairman Manfred Weber.
  2. Seehofer has been enjoying his new, quieter life in Bavaria, far from the political spotlight in Munich and Berlin.
  3. In his retired life, Seehofer helps out locally, works part-time on the digitization of his model railway, and enjoys activities like riding an e-bike and reading.
  4. Seehofer has not made any significant appearances at CSU party events or executive boards since retiring.
  5. Despite his absence from public life, Seehofer sees potential for the Union as a whole at 30 to 40 percent and for the CSU "far beyond 40 percent."
  6. Friedrich Merz, the CDU chairman, has been backed by Seehofer for the Union's chancellor candidacy.
  7. Seehofer's political career was marked by triumphs and bitter defeats, including a dispute over healthcare policy that almost cost him his life and his loss of the CSU chairmanship.
  8. As Bavarian Minister-President, Seehofer was accused of an autocratic leadership style and being a ruthless populist who changed course like a feather in the wind.
  9. After retiring, Seehofer looked back on his political career, acknowledging individual errors but standing by his decisions on issues like power line construction and refugee policy.
  10. Looking forward, Seehofer wishes for significant investment in education for disadvantaged children and personal health for himself and his environment.

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