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Family backs US President Biden

Search for guilt after TV debacle

Biden was overworked during the TV duel, his relatives are said to have criticized.
Biden was overworked during the TV duel, his relatives are said to have criticized.

Family backs US President Biden

Biden's Family Continues to Support Him in His Campaign After Disastrous TV Debate with Trump

According to US media, Biden's family is encouraging the 81-year-old to keep fighting for the White House despite his disastrous performance in the TV debate with Donald Trump. CNN reported that Biden's advisors assured him of their "unlimited support" during a family meeting. The network cited two unnamed Biden advisors. The "New York Times" also reported that Biden's family is advocating for him to continue his campaign despite his poor showing in the debate against Trump. The debate over Biden's advanced age is gaining momentum.

Biden spent the weekend at Camp David with his family following a series of campaign events. The presidential retreat is located near Washington, D.C. The trip was previously planned. The White House attempted to downplay the impression that it was a crisis meeting. Instead, a photo shoot with renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz was on the agenda. Biden's children and grandchildren traveled specifically for the occasion. Biden is scheduled to return to the White House on Monday evening. In addition to his presidential duties, he has planned receptions with Democratic Party donors.

Biden's Family Angry Over Advisors

Biden hopes, like his predecessor Trump, for a victory in the November presidential election. So far, many signs pointed to a close race. However, after Biden's disastrous showing in the first TV debate on Thursday evening, a debate has erupted in the U.S. about whether the Democrat is still suitable for the job or if he should step aside for a younger candidate. Biden has so far refused to withdraw and is focusing on damage control. His wife Jill publicly supports him.

Politico reported that Biden's family was particularly upset with his closest advisors in Camp David. They blamed the advisors for Biden's failure in the debate, according to sources in Biden's inner circle. Biden was not ready to attack Trump forcefully and focused too much on defending his record instead of painting a vision for a second term. He was also overprepared, the family criticized. A high-ranking Biden advisor reportedly told Politico that the family's anger was directed at specific advisors.

The Democratic Party currently stands behind him publicly. However, should Biden's poll numbers deteriorate in the coming days, this could change quickly.

Biden's family expresses frustration towards his advisors after the disastrous 2024 US presidential election debate, alleging they contributed to his lackluster performance. Despite this, Biden continues to strongly consider running for the White House in 2024, with Washington serving as a potential campaign backdrop.

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