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Faeser: Mobile networks must replace China technology in 5G network

Mobile networks form the backbone of a connected society. Technology from China should no longer play a role in it. Due to security concerns, it should be phased out in the coming years.

The federal government has agreed with mobile network providers that technology from China will no...
The federal government has agreed with mobile network providers that technology from China will no longer be used in the coming years.

Huawei and Co - Faeser: Mobile networks must replace China technology in 5G network

Technology from China is set to largely disappear from German mobile networks. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) confirmed that representatives of the German government and mobile network providers have reached a compromise in the long-standing dispute over decommissioning components from Chinese vendors Huawei and ZTE. The mobile network providers have agreed to the exchange, which they had long opposed. At the same time, the companies are given long transition periods for the costly rebuild.

Faeser stated that the risks of critical components from Chinese manufacturers in German 5G mobile networks have been examined very carefully. "We have now made a clear and strict decision. In the core network, critical components must not be used by the end of 2026 at the latest. In the access and transport networks, critical management systems must be replaced by the end of 2029." This applies to 5G networks throughout Germany and not limited to certain important locations.

Faeser emphasized that this protects the central nervous system of the German economic location. "We are protecting the communication of citizens, of companies and of the state. We must reduce security risks and, unlike in the past, avoid one-sided dependencies. We must become more independent and crisis-proof."

  1. The decision by the German government to exclude Chinese tech giants like Huawei and ZTE from their mobile networks is a significant move in the realm of information technology.
  2. Nancy Faeser, the Federal Interior Minister, expressed that the security risks associated with critical components from Chinese manufacturers in German 5G mobile networks have been thoroughly assessed.
  3. In light of these risks, Faeser announced strict measures, stating that by the end of 2026, critical components must be phased out from the core network of German 5G mobile networks.
  4. The German federal government is taking steps to decrease security risks and avoid one-sided dependencies, as emphasized by Faeser, in the context of telecommunication and mobile networks.
  5. Faeser's statement was made at a time when the tech industry in Berlin and across Germany is relying heavily on the speed and efficiency of 5G networks, powered by companies like Huawei and ZTE.
  6. Despite the decision, mobile network providers in Germany have been granted long transition periods to deal with the costly rebuild, in order to minimize the impact on the country's digital infrastructure.
  7. The international tech scene, including entities like Huawei and ZTE, is closely watching the evolution of German policies regarding Chinese technology companies in critical infrastructure sectors, such as 5G and mobile networks.

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