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Faeser forbids IZH - aggressive Islamic ideology

A Muslim association in Hamburg, which operates a representative mosque, has been monitored by the Constitution Protection Agency for years. They must now cease their activities.

Policeman in front of the Blue Mosque
Policeman in front of the Blue Mosque

Extremist Association - Faeser forbids IZH - aggressive Islamic ideology

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) has banned the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) because, according to her ministry's assessment, it promotes the establishment of an authoritarian-Islamic rule. The IZH propagates the ideology of the so-called "Islamic Revolution" in Germany in an aggressive and militant way, according to a statement from her ministry.

"It is important to me to clearly distinguish: We are not acting against a Religion", emphasized Faeser. Peaceful Shia religious practice is explicitly not affected by the ban.

Raids took place in connection with the ban, which also affects five affiliated organizations, in the morning at the so-called Blue Mosque in Hamburg and at a mosque association in Berlin. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, a total of 53 objects in Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Bavaria were searched based on court orders.

The IZH is an extremist Islamic organization that pursues constitutional hostile goals, according to the statement. After the comprehensive search measures against the IZH from last November, serious suspicions have been identified, said Faeser. The ideology targets women's rights, an independent judiciary, and the democratic German state.

"Furthermore, the 'Islamic Center Hamburg' and its affiliated organizations support the terrorists of Hizb Allah and spread an aggressive anti-Semitism", declared the Interior Minister. The American Jewish Committee Berlin welcomed the ban.

Berlin Senator for the Interior Iris Spranger (SPD) said the measures showed that ongoing attacks on central principles would not be tolerated. "Furthermore, I reiterate that hate and incitement against Jews, Jewish women, and Israeli citizens in Berlin are not tolerated."

  1. The Interior Minister of Germany, Nancy Faeser from the SPD party, made it clear that the ban on the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) is not a target against religion, but rather an action against extremism.
  2. The ban extended to five affiliated organizations, with raids taking place at the Blue Mosque in Hamburg and a mosque association in Berlin, as part of a comprehensive search operation that involved 53 locations across several German states.
  3. The so-called "Islamic Center Hamburg" and its associated organizations have been identified as promoting an extremist ideology that poses a threat to women's rights, an independent judiciary, and the democratic German state, according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
  4. The American Jewish Committee in Berlin welcomed the ban, expressing support for the prevention of organizations that spread aggressive anti-Semitism and support terrorists, such as those affiliated with Hizb Allah.

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