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Faeser declares additional migration accords.

Reacceptance of displaced persons.

Faeser announces further migration agreements
Faeser announces further migration agreements

Faeser declares additional migration accords.

The federal government aims to sign migration deals with additional nations to make it simpler for refugees to return home and allow skilled and labor workers to enter the country with ease.

During a meeting with the Dusseldorf "Handelsblatt," Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser revealed that negotiations are ongoing with Moldova and Kenya. Chats with Uzbekistan are also progressing well. The minister intends to negotiate arrangements with Kyrgyzstan and the Philippines, primarily focusing on hiring qualified workers.

Faeser maintained that migration pacts play a pivotal role in enticing skilled employees and laborers to Germany while also facilitating the return of those without residency permits to their countries of origin. "With migration agreements, we create opportunities for well-qualified workers and skilled laborers," she stated. "And we reduce unauthorized migration by improving repatriation cooperation for those who aren't authorized to stay in Germany."

Evaluating the legal updates enacted by the traffic light coalition, Faeser remarked, "We've accomplished more in the previous two years than the Union did in the 16 years preceding - and all while demonstrating humanitarian compassion and without animosity."

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