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Faeser calls on Islamic associations to make a clear commitment against anti-Semitism

No general suspicion

Also wants to make rising anti-Semitism a topic of the German Islam Conference: Nancy
Also wants to make rising anti-Semitism a topic of the German Islam Conference: Nancy

Faeser calls on Islamic associations to make a clear commitment against anti-Semitism

Immediately before the Islam Conference, Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser has called for a commitment from Muslim associations against anti-Semitism. "I expect the Muslim associations to make a very clear statement," said the SPD politician on ARD television. They must condemn the attack on Israel by the radical Islamic Hamas and not say "yes but".

At the same time, she emphasized that no one should be placed under general suspicion. It was not a question of Muslims not being able to demonstrate on the streets for the victims in the Gaza Strip.

"We are fighting Islamists, not Muslims," emphasized the Federal Minister of the Interior. But the Muslim associations must clearly distance themselves. It was very difficult to find partners for the Islam Conference because there was no one to represent Muslims in Germany. It is very important that Islamic religious education in Germany takes place in a controlled manner and that imams are trained here. "We are changing that now, it is imperative," Faeser emphasized.


