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Faeser: Border controls to be extended for two months

The Federal Minister of the Interior announces an extension of border controls beyond December 15. Since their introduction, over 1000 unauthorized entries are said to have been prevented.

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser had initially extended border controls until
Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser had initially extended border controls until December 15.

Migration - Faeser: Border controls to be extended for two months

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has announced that border controls with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland will be extended beyond December 15 for at least two months. The SPD politician told the "Rheinische Post" newspaper.

"Our measures are working. Our fight against the unscrupulous business of people smugglers, who brutally put human lives at risk, is successful." Stationary and mobile controls are important to curb irregular migration to Germany and relieve the burden on local authorities.

Faeser extended the border controls on Monday until December 15. According to the Ministry of the Interior, around 3,300 unauthorized entries have been detected and 1,100 unauthorized entries prevented since the controls were introduced on 16 October. "This means that these measures are working and are to be continued at present," said a spokesperson.

Andreas Roßkopf, responsible for the federal police at the police union, told the"Rheinische Post" that the number of asylum seekers could not be reduced by police means and that asylum applications could not be prevented. It needs to be clarified "whether thousands of police officers should actually remain at the border or whether they would not be better deployed for security in the cities and the asylum problem solved within the EU framework." The security situation in Germany is highly sensitive.

Read also:

  1. The Czech Republic and Poland are among the countries whose border controls with Germany have been extended by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.
  2. The Rheinische Post reported that the SPD politician cited the success of border controls in reducing irregular migration and preventing human suffering caused by people smugglers.
  3. The decision to extend border controls until at least February 15 was widely covered in German and international media, including outlets from Berlin and Switzerland.
  4. Some critics of the SPD's border control policy argue that police resources should be deployed in cities rather than at the border, but Faeser and her supporters maintain that border control is crucial to ensuring Germany's security and migration management.
  5. Switzerlands border with Germany is also under close scrutiny due to the high number of migrants attempting to cross the border illegally, and both nations are working closely together to strengthen border control measures.


