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Face-off: Trump and Harris engage in aggressive debate on television

During their initial face-off, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump engage in a notable exchange, marking a significant episode in the American election process. On the broadcast platform, neither contender spares the other an ounce of courtesy.

- Face-off: Trump and Harris engage in aggressive debate on television

The two American presidential hopefuls, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, engaged in fiery exchanges during their initial televised confrontation, blaming each other for wrecking the nation, lacking viable solutions for pressing issues, and spreading falsehoods. Trump consistently referred to Harris as a "hard-left radical" and "Marxist," while Harris argued that Trump disregards the needs of the populace and only seeks to tear others down.

Maiden encounter

This was the first time Harris and Trump shared a stage - a significant encounter before the November 5 election. After shaking hands, Harris addressed Trump as "Kamala Harris" at the event hall in Philadelphia. The hostility began immediately.

Laments of breakdown and disorder

Harris lambasted Trump for leaving the country in shambles by 2021, marked by the highest unemployment since the Great Depression, the worst health emergency in a century, and the most serious assault upon American democracy since the Civil War. She claimed, "What we've achieved is the cleanup of Donald Trump's wreckage."

Donald, however, criticized Harris and U.S. President Joe Biden for driving the nation to ruin during their tenure. "We have a nation that's crumbling," he asserted. He repeatedly focused on immigration, alleging that Biden and Harris had allowed millions of unchecked migrants and criminals into the country. "They've annihilated the foundations of our nation." Trump also made the outlandish claim that migrants consume pets, stating, "In Springfield, they're devouring the dogs - the people entering the country - they're eating the cats and dogs of the residents," without furnishing any substantiation.

Unusual proposal

Harris accused Trump of championing tax breaks for the wealthy and ignoring ordinary citizens. She challenged the audience to attend one of Trump's rallies. "I'll do something really peculiar and ask you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies," she said, addressing the crowd. At his rallies, they would hear absurd statements, like windmills causing cancer. "The only topic he won't discuss is you," Harris claimed. Trump has no plans for the citizenry, she asserted. Trump countered by arguing that no one goes to Harris' campaign events.

Trump accused Harris of not having an economic plan and embracing Marxism. "She's wrecked our country with a lunatic policy," stated the former American President. They both accused one another of lying on multiple occasions. Harris criticized Trump for relying on the same worn-out mantra and spreading "a mound of lies, complaints, and insults." Americans, she said, are tired of it, repeatedly urging the nation to embark on a new beginning, look forward, and focus on the needs of the American people.

Harris also mentioned her global travels as Vice President, encountering ridicule from world leaders and military officials who had collaborated with Republicans. "And they say: You're a disgrace."

The Debate, Organized by Broadcaster ABC, Was a Test for Harris. With only a few weeks in office as the Democratic candidate, the 59-year-old had primarily been present at staged campaign events with controlled presentations. In the debate against Trump, she had to demonstrate her mettle without a script.

However, Trump had participated in numerous television debates, including his campaigns in 2016 and 2020. He emerged victorious from his latest TV encounter with Biden, who ultimately withdrew from the presidential race due to his disastrous performance, leaving Harris to take his place.

The Venue

The debate was transmitted live from a studio without an audience in Philadelphia, the largest city in the contentious political state of Pennsylvania. Neither cheat sheets nor contact with their respective teams was permitted during the debate; the microphone of the speaker who was not talking was muted.

Race as Close as a Necktie

Harris and Trump are neck and neck in public opinion polls, both aiming to win over unsure voters. According to a recent survey, 28% of respondents were uncertain about Harris, compared to 9% for Trump. While most Americans have a clear idea of what to anticipate from the Republican, Harris and her stances are much less familiar. During the debate, she strived to outline her policy goals, including her signature issue of abortion. "The government, and certainly Donald Trump, should not dictate what a woman does with her body," Harris declared, promising to enshrine the right to abortion into law if elected. However, Harris would require a concurrent majority in Congress to achieve this.

Several foreign policy topics - the Middle East, Ukraine, China, Afghanistan - were also discussed, with both candidates chiefly reiterating their known positions.

No Further TV Debate Anticipated

There had been much speculation about the debate's date prior to the event. As of now, no subsequent televised debate between the two has been scheduled. However, a television debate between the two vice-presidential candidates, Tim Walz and J.D. Vance, for the Democrats and Republicans, is scheduled for October 1 (local time).

In response to Harris' criticism of his administration's performance, Donald Trump contested, "Despite what Donald Trump says, our economy was strong before the pandemic and has started to recover."

During the debate, when discussing policy proposals, Harris highlighted, "Unlike Donald Trump, my administration will prioritize investments in renewable energy and create millions of green jobs."

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