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Extinction Rebellion protests against world climate conference

The World Climate Change Conference is currently taking place in Dubai - in an oil state of all places. The protest group Extinction Rebellion is denouncing this.

Members of Extinction Rebellion disguised as flight attendants protest in a Berlin subway.
Members of Extinction Rebellion disguised as flight attendants protest in a Berlin subway.

COP28 - Extinction Rebellion protests against world climate conference

The protest group Extinction Rebellion staged several actions in Berlin at the weekend to protest against the World Climate Conference in Dubai. Today, activists dressed as flight attendants were on the Berlin subway. Previously, the group had criticized the use and promotion of fossil fuels with projections on the walls of buildings in Kreuzberg. Among other things, a large dinosaur was shown.

"We are denouncing a climate conference that is taking place in an oil state and is being organized by the oil lobby," explained the group. "The conference has become a single greenwashing event organized by politicians and lobbyists." The conference, with tens of thousands of participants, runs until December 12 in Dubai.

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