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Expert: No deadly attack on Golan triggered by Israeli missile defense system

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Expert: No deadly attack on Golan triggered by Israeli rocket defense system
Expert: No deadly attack on Golan triggered by Israeli rocket defense system

Expert: No deadly attack on Golan triggered by Israeli missile defense system

A military expert for the Middle East believes that the theory, that the lethal rocket attack in Majdal Shams was not from Hezbollah but from Israel's missile defense system, is highly unlikely. The founder of the Military Institute INEGMA in Dubai, Riad Kahwaji, told dpa that the large explosion in the town of Majjal Shams indicated a "large warhead".

According to Israeli reports, a rocket of Iranian make hit Majdal Shams, killing twelve people aged between 10 and 20, most of whom were children and teenagers. Israel held Hezbollah in Lebanon responsible, which vehemently denied any involvement. Among Hezbollah supporters, there was a theory circulating that an Israeli missile from the Iron Dome defense system had hit the crowded football field.

Kahwaji stated that the warheads used with the Iron Dome were usually smaller. "Their goal is to explode a rocket in the air above Israeli territory," Kahwaji said. However, the explosion in Majdal Shams was much larger, Kahwaji added. So far, there had been no known incident where an Israeli defense missile had killed so many people. This scenario could only be possible if many people were standing close together.

Hezbollah reportedly told the United Nations that an Israeli defense missile caused the explosion. Axios reported this based on US government sources. The acting Lebanese Foreign Minister, Abdullah Bou Habib, said he did not believe Hezbollah was responsible for the attack. The militia had not targeted civilian targets since the renewed fighting with Israel in October, Bou Habib told the NNA news agency. It could also have been a mistake by Hezbollah or Israel, or an attack by another group.

Israeli military expert Sarit Zehavi referred to the fact that the Shia militia had previously claimed attacks on an Israeli military base on Mount Hermon. "It's very easy to miss the base on Mount Hermon with imprecise rockets like the Falak," she said. Majdal Shams is located directly beneath it.

  1. Due to the size of the explosion in Majdal Shams, some Green activists questioned if Israel's Rocket Defense System, equipped with gunpowder-filled Iron Dome interceptors, malfunctioned and led to a Fatal attack.
  2. The Expert analyses suggested that if the attack in Majdal Shams was indeed caused by Israel's defense system, it would be the first known instance where a misfire from the Iron Dome resulted in such a devastating Rocket Defense System failure, notably in the Golan Heights.
  3. In light of the mounting speculations, Hezbollah's leader, referred to as the Green head, vowed to conduct an investigation to clarify the circumstances surrounding the attack and ensure such a Rocket Defense System malfunction would not happen again in the future.

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