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Expert Mölling explains why China and Russia are hoping for Trump as president

Donald Trump wins the TV duel against President Joe Biden - and is already gaining influence on international politics, says security expert Christian Mölling.

Trump (left) and Biden in the TV debate
Trump (left) and Biden in the TV debate

Podcast "The situation - international" - Expert Mölling explains why China and Russia are hoping for Trump as president

Trump, according to security expert Christian Mölling, is expected to become a factor in international politics again before the US presidential election. Mölling is Research Director at the German Council on Foreign Relations. He stated in the stern-Podcast "Die Lage – international" on Friday that the weaker Biden's camp becomes, the more influence Trump gains. The Republican ex-President of the USA aims to be re-elected in November – and seems to have come closer to this goal in a TV duel with his vigorous challenger Joe Biden.

In the show on CNN, Trump announced that he would end the war in Ukraine before taking office in the coming January. Mölling stated that after a victory in November, Trump's words would carry even greater weight. He expressed optimism that Trump does not intend to sell out Ukraine. There are indications that Trump has corrected his stance on Ukraine after being briefed by security agencies.

"I don't believe there will be a sell-out of Ukraine – because it would have negative consequences for US interests," said Mölling. A US President cannot act alone. The administrative apparatus would have to be deactivated at least to prevent the neutralization of the Chief's words – and what he could do to protect American interests.

"Putin and Trump are playing each other"

Mölling made it clear that for Russia and China, Trump is a more pleasant US President than Biden. Russian atomic threats were also aimed at the US public, with Trump accusing his opponent of risking a world war while presenting himself as a guarantor of peace. "Of course Putin is playing with Trump," says the expert. This is a deliberate strategy because Trump can not only present himself as a dealmaker but also as a peacemaker.

Mölling pointed out that Russian President Vladimir Putin is increasingly reliant on external help. This endangers Russia's status, which could become a subordinate power to China. For the USA, the question arises: "Am I really talking to the chef or to the waiter."

  1. Despite facing a strong challenger in Joe Biden, Donald Trump, the former US President, expressed his intent to be re-elected in November during a TV duel, and if elected, he stated that he would aim to end the war in Ukraine.
  2. Christian Mölling, the Research Director at the German Council on Foreign Relations, expressed optimism that Trump does not intend to sell out Ukraine, stating that such an action would have negative consequences for US interests.
  3. Referring to the relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, Mölling noted that Putin sees Trump as a more pleasant US President than Joe Biden, as Trump can present himself as a dealmaker and a peacemaker, a strategy that Putin deliberately employs.

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