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Experimented with a blast in a military training ground in the Czech Republic

Explosive round detonates.

Injured in explosion at military training area in Czech Republic
Injured in explosion at military training area in Czech Republic

Experimented with a blast in a military training ground in the Czech Republic

In a military exercise ground situated in the Czech Republic, a devastating incident took place during a munition blast. As per the Czech military's announcement on platform X, casualties occurred and they are making every effort to offer prompt aid.

A hospital spokesperson for Olomouc University, speaking to the CTK agency, shared that, according to early reports, nine soldiers were hurt. Three ambulances and two helicopters were deployed for the operation. The exact type of munition that exploded wasn't immediately identified.

The Military Police started an investigation following the accident at the Libava military training base situated in the Oder Mountains, northeast of Olomouc city. The base, with an area of around 235 sq km, permits only limited public access, requiring visitors to stay on specified paths.

This year, the Czech army intended to prepare around 4000 Ukrainian soldiers for defense against Russia at the Libava training ground. Their training was among the activities taking place at this location. However, the nationality of the injured was undisclosed at that moment.

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