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Excavator and car on fire - 53-year-old is suspected

An excavator and a car are on fire in the early hours of the morning. A large police force arrests a 53-year-old man. He is said to have set fire to the vehicles.

An excavator and a car are on fire - later the police are on the lookout for a 53-year-old suspect...
An excavator and a car are on fire - later the police are on the lookout for a 53-year-old suspect with around 20 patrols. (symbol optics)

Arson - Excavator and car on fire - 53-year-old is suspected

After a suspected arson of two vehicles, a 53-year-old man was arrested in Arnstein (Main-Spessart district). The man was observed by neighbors as he lit up a car and a mini-loader, stated a police spokesperson. Luckily, right next to it was the local fire department's equipment house and the fire was quickly extinguished.

Subsequently, around 20 patrols searched for the known 53-year-old, as reported. He was temporarily arrested and was to be presented before an investigating judge today for the remand hearing. The damage is estimated to be in the five-figure range.

The arson incident involved a car and a mini-loader, both of which were vehicles. The police in Bavaria's Main-Spessart district responded swiftly, thanks to the proximity of the local fire department's equipment house. The arrested individual was observed carrying out the arson act.

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