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Ex-president of Honduras sentenced to 45 years in prison

Juan Orlando Hernández used his office as President of Honduras to smuggle drugs into the USA. Following the guilty verdict, the sentence has now been announced.

Juan Orlando Hernandez (center) is said to have helped the Mexican ex-cartel boss Joaquín "El...
Juan Orlando Hernandez (center) is said to have helped the Mexican ex-cartel boss Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, who is in US custody, to smuggle cocaine to the USA via Honduras.

Drug offenses - Ex-president of Honduras sentenced to 45 years in prison

Former President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, must serve 45 years in prison according to a court ruling in New York for conspiracy to traffic drugs and weapons. Additionally, the 55-year-old must pay a fine of eight million US dollars (approximately 7.5 million Euros) as reported consistently by US media. A jury in the US East Coast metropolis found Hernández guilty in March.

Hernández was President of Honduras from 2014 to 2022. Shortly after the end of his tenure, he was extradited to the USA where the trial took place. According to the indictment, he turned Honduras into a "drug state" to corrupt the institutions of the Central American country and enrich himself. The conservative politician is alleged to have helped drug traffickers, including the currently incarcerated Mexican ex-cartel boss Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, smuggle hundreds of thousands of kilograms of cocaine from Honduras to the USA.

Hernández has always denied the allegations. In his view, the accusations are a revenge from drug dealers who were handed over to the US justice system by him. They lied to secure leniency in their sentences. It is expected that he will appeal the decision.

  1. Despite Juan Orlando Hernández's claims of innocence, the US media consistently reported his conviction as a drug smuggler in a New York court.
  2. The 45-year imprisonment and $8 million fine imposed on Hernández for drug trafficking and weapons conspiracy are seen as a significant judgement against crime in Honduras and the USA.
  3. As a former president of Honduras, Hernández is now faced with challenges in Honduras's criminal justice system and facing the reality of serving time in a US prison, accusing the US of exacting revenge through the judicial process.
  4. Juan Orlando Hernández's alleged ties to prominent drug traffickers, including Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, have tarnished his legacy and have raised concerns about corruption in Honduras's political and judicial institutions.
  5. The multi-billion dollar fine against Hernández could potentially strain Honduras's financial and diplomatic relations with the USA, causing economic repercussions for the Central American country and forcing Honduras to consider new policy directions towards the USA and global crime entities.

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