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Every third Jewish community reports anti-Semitic acts

October 7 was also a turning point for many Jewish communities in Germany. According to the Central Council, it was mainly Jewish senior citizens, families with children and young people who suffered.

"These are shocking reports," says Central Council President Josef Schuster.
"These are shocking reports," says Central Council President Josef Schuster.

Extremism - Every third Jewish community reports anti-Semitic acts

According to a survey, one in three Jewish communities in Germany has recorded anti-Semitic acts such as graffiti and insults in recent weeks. Psychological pressure in the form of threatening phone calls and emails was reported in unison, the Central Council of Jews said on Wednesday. "These are shocking reports", said Central Council President Josef Schuster.

The Central Council had asked the Jewish communities in Germany from 20 to 30 November about the effects of the Israeli war against the terrorist organization Hamas following its attack on 7 October. According to the Central Council, leaders from 98 of the 105 communities took part.

Almost 80 percent stated that it had become less safe to live and be seen as a Jew in Germany since October 7. The main victims are Jewish senior citizens, families with children and young people. At the same time, however, it is remarkable that 96 percent of the communities surveyed were satisfied with the cooperation with the security authorities. Alongside politicians and church communities, the police are among the communities' most important partners.

"The ambivalence of the results in this form is a real novelty and an important insight," said Schuster. Anti-Semitism, whether Islamist, far-right or far-left, is always an attack on open society and the rule of law. "We must not allow extremists of any stripe to endanger our community."

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