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Every eighth company in Germany uses artificial intelligence

Preferably in large companies

According to a study, the use of AI is particularly promising for activities that require a
According to a study, the use of AI is particularly promising for activities that require a high level of

Every eighth company in Germany uses artificial intelligence

Around one in eight companies in Germany already uses artificial intelligence (AI). Twelve percent use it, according to the Federal Statistical Office's survey. According to the survey, AI is used far more frequently in large companies with at least 250 employees than in small and medium-sized enterprises.

It is already being used in just over one in three large companies (35%), but only in one in six medium-sized companies (16%) with 50 to 249 employees. In smaller companies with ten to 49 employees, the proportion is only ten percent.

Of the companies that do not yet use AI, only ten percent have already considered using it.

When asked about the reasons for not using it, they cited Lack of knowledge (72 percent), incompatibility with existing inventory of devices, software and systems (54 percent), difficulties with the availability or quality of data (53 percent), lack of clarity about the legal implications (51 percent), concerns about data protection and privacy (48 percent), the cost (41 percent) and ethical considerations (22 percent). 22 percent do not consider the use of artificial intelligence in their company to be sensible.

Those who use AI primarily use it for accounting, controlling or financial management (25% of companies). AI is also used in IT security (24%), for production or service processes (22%) and for the organization of company administration processes or management (20%).

These companies most frequently use AI technologies for speech recognition (43%). They are also frequently found in the automation of work processes or to help with decision-making (32%), as well as in technologies for analyzing written language or text mining (30%).


