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Europol presents comprehensive analysis on organized crime

AI-Trend analyzes too

Europol presents comprehensive analysis on organized crime
Europol presents comprehensive analysis on organized crime

Europol presents comprehensive analysis on organized crime

The European Police Office Europol presents a comprehensive analysis on organized crime on the Internet in The Hague on Monday. According to Europol, millions of people in the EU are victims of cybercrime daily. Behind these crimes often lie organized gangs.

The report, according to Europol, focuses on Cyber-attacks, sexual exploitation of children, and financial fraud. Experts also analyze trends through new technologies and payment systems as well as risks from Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrencies.

Europol's analysis of organized crime on the Internet also includes an examination of the role of Cyber-attacks in these crimes. Additionally, the KI-Trend component of the report analyzes the impact of emerging technologies and payment systems, such as Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrencies, on the propagation of crime in Europe.

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