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European Council alarmed by rising levels of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim sentiments

Significant Increase or Sharp Ascension

An xenophobic demonstration by the AfD youth organization in Erfurt.
An xenophobic demonstration by the AfD youth organization in Erfurt.

European Council alarmed by rising levels of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim sentiments

Since October 7th, both antisemitism and anti-Muslim sentiments have escalated significantly, as the European Parliament acknowledges. Concurrently, the European Parliament is alarmed by the "notable surge" of hate-fueled incidents against Muslims. Even schoolgirls of Muslim descent have been partly implicated in extremism within certain European nations.

The European Parliament has voiced concerns over the prevalence of derogatory political discourse towards refugees and the rise in antisemitic and anti-Muslim incidents since October 7th. According to Bertil Cottier, Chairman of the Racism Commission of the European Parliament (ECRI), following the publication of the ECRI Annual Report, numerous debates that exploit the so-called Islamization of European societies for tactical gain have been identified. "Self-regulation by politicians and media is of paramount importance, and they must be held responsible when boundaries are overstepped," Cottier insisted.

The report also highlights the "dramatic increase in antisemitism" in various European countries since the outbreak of the war between Israel and the radical Islamic Hamas in the Gaza Strip on October 7th. At the same time, ECRI expressed concern over the "notable rise" of incidents driven by hate against Muslims.

According to the report, individuals wearing religious symbols or traditional clothing have been portrayed as if they were linked to terrorism or extremism. This is particularly notable in some European countries towards Muslim schoolgirls.

The authors of the report acknowledged the "admirable efforts" put forth to support "refugees from Ukraine." However, they lamented the "substantial disparities" in the quality of refugee reception across different countries. Some nations have tightened access to asylum for non-Europeans, ECRI noted, while reminding that "rapid protection should be provided to all individuals who have been displaced from their homes due to war and other emergency situations."

ECRI consists of experts nominated by the European Parliament member states to combat racism, antisemitism, and homophobia. This body routinely evaluates the circumstances in the 46 European Parliamentary Council countries.

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In response to the escalating antisemitic and anti-Muslim sentiments, the European Council emphasizes the need for politicians and media to practice self-regulation and accountability. Furthermore, the surge of hate-fueled incidents against refugees in Europe has also raised concerns, prompting calls for equal treatment in refugee reception across countries.



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