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Eurofighter sets track record

Within the exercise "RIMPAC"

A Eurofighter Typhoon of the Bundeswehr in Japan a few days ago.
A Eurofighter Typhoon of the Bundeswehr in Japan a few days ago.

Eurofighter sets track record

Fighter jets are typically used in a relatively small area. To reach the maneuvers "RIMPAC" in Hawaii, the Bundeswehr takes a long route. An Eurofighter sets a new record in the process.

According to the Luftwaffe's statements, a new record was set at the beginning of the "RIMPAC" exercise in the Indo-Pacific with an Eurofighter. A spokesperson stated that, from Japan to Hawaii, approximately 8600 kilometers were covered in 10.31 hours. There were five aerial refueling stops.

Fighter jets are not designed for long-range travel and are typically stationed within a smaller radius of their operational area. Some countries have aircraft carriers to bring the Jets closer to their respective regions. However, the youngest flight with the Eurofighter shows that a distant deployment location with in-flight refueling could be possible theoretically.

The "RIMPAC" exercise in Hawaii is part of the large-scale "Pacific Skies" training series, which is currently ongoing. Training takes place in Alaska, Japan, Australia, and India. Over 30 aircraft, fighter jets, helicopters, transport, and tanker planes will participate until mid-August. The French and Spanish air forces are also involved.

Pistorius visits the region

Training includes low-level flying, air-to-air combat, air defense, and in-flight refueling. The German government recently emphasized the special significance of security policy cooperation with the so-called value partners in the Indo-Pacific region.

From Monday, Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius of the SPD will visit several countries in the region. According to his ministry's statements, during his week-long military political trip to the US state of Hawaii, South Korea, and the Philippines, Pistorius will conduct talks with colleagues and visit German soldiers and soldiers currently deployed there.

The region has gained increasing geopolitical significance in recent years. The Bundeswehr is participating in several multinational exercises in the Indo-Pacific this year. Pistorius' agenda includes a visit to the German frigate "Baden-Württemberg," which, like the logistics support ship "Frankfurt am Main," is participating in "RIMPAC."

The record-breaking Eurofighter journey from Japan to Hawaii during the "RIMPAC" exercise was handled by the Federal Armed Forces, demonstrating the potential for long-range deployment with in-flight refueling. Despite politics frequently focusing on the NATO region, Boris Pistorius, the Federal Defense Minister, is visiting South Korea and the Philippines in the Indo-Pacific region this week, emphasizing the importance of security policy cooperation with these value partners.

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