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Euro launcher Ariane 6 to fly for the first time in mid-2024

Delays, failed launches and a lack of funding are weighing on the industry. But now Ariane 6 could mark a turning point.

The launch pad of Ariane 6 - the maiden flight was postponed several
The launch pad of Ariane 6 - the maiden flight was postponed several

Euro launcher Ariane 6 to fly for the first time in mid-2024

Four years later than originally planned, the new European launcher Ariane 6 is to fly into space for the first time in the middle of next year.

"Assuming that everything goes according to plan and without major difficulties, we expect the first flight of Ariane 6 to take place between June 15 and July 31 next year," said Josef Aschbacher, head of the European Space Agency Esa, in Paris. A more precise launch date could be set for next March or April.

Ariane 6 is the successor to Ariane 5, which has been in use since 1996. It is intended to carry satellites into space for commercial and public clients and is significantly cheaper than its predecessor. The new rocket is intended to make Europe's space travel more competitive. Ariane 6 was originally due to be launched into space in 2020. However, the first flight was postponed several times.

Europe's space sector is currently in a difficult situation with regard to launch vehicles. The last Ariane 5 took off into space at the beginning of July. Since then, Esa has no longer had the resources to launch large satellites into space. There are also problems with the lighter satellites: Following the failed launch of the Vega C during its first commercial flight last December, this rocket will also remain on the ground for the time being - probably until the fourth quarter of next year.




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