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Egypt is an important European partner.

EU seeks military partnership with Egypt

The European Union wants to intensify its military cooperation with Egypt. The long-term goal is a so-called security and defense partnership, informed EU diplomats told "Welt am Sonntag".

According to the newspaper, as a first step, European soldiers will soon be conducting joint exercises with Egyptian naval forces as part of the EU operation Atalanta (EUNAVFOR Atalanta) to combat piracy off the coast of Somalia. According to EU diplomatic circles, this should then develop into long-term cooperation.

There are also plans to support the Egyptian military next year, initially with ten million euros from the European Peace Facility (EPF). "This possible support measure may aim to support the Egyptian armed forces deployed along the borders with Libya and involved in security operations against militias," according to a confidential document from the European External Action Service (EEAS).

Effects on migration hoped for

The money from the EU is intended to help the soldiers with border security and improve border surveillance, for example by purchasing drones, motion detectors and surveillance cameras. Part of the financial aid is also to flow into demining projects. There are still numerous mines from the Second World War in Egypt that have not yet been defused.

In addition to military cooperation between the EU and Egypt, Brussels also wants to continue to support the coast guard in Egypt. This includes the purchase of boats and the training of border guards. Payments of 87 million euros are planned.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasized in a letter to the 27 EU heads of state and government ten days ago: "Egypt's role is crucial for security and stability in the Middle East." The country has "taken in an increasing number of refugees and we have an obligation to support it". The EU Commission is also seeking a migration agreement with Egypt.

The EU Commission, led by President Ursula von der Leyen, sees Egypt as a crucial partner in maintaining security and stability in the Middle East due to its role in hosting an increasing number of refugees. The EU Commission is also actively pursuing a migration agreement with Egypt.

The European Union's military partnership with Egypt is evolving, with plans for European soldiers to conduct joint exercises with Egyptian naval forces as part of EU operation Atalanta, and potential support for the Egyptian military's border security operations against militias, including an initial allocation of ten million euros from the European Peace Facility (EPF).




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