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EU issues warning of halting Georgia's membership negotiations

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EU issues warning of halting Georgia's membership negotiations

The EU's High Representative, Josep Borrell, has issued a warning to Georgia, suggesting a halt to their EU membership process. Borrell stated this during a gathering of Foreign Ministers, asserting that if the Georgian government persists in actions criticized by the EU, the path to EU membership will be sealed. Borrell stressed the potential repercussions for the Georgian people.

At the start of the month, Georgia enacted a contentious law aimed at curbing "foreign influence." The EU views this law as a means of silencing government-critical media and organizations, drawing parallels with a Russian law on "foreign agents."

Currently, EU foreign ministers are deliberating the repercussions in Luxembourg. As per Borrell's statements, Europe could potentially withhold financial aid for the Georgian government or security forces, cut off high-level contacts, or even impose travel bans on government officials, mimicking the US approach. However, no definitive decisions are expected as of Monday.

Georgia has been recognized as an official EU membership candidate since December. EU membership is constitutionally mandated in the country and enjoys the support of over 80% of the population, according to surveys. In response to the law on "foreign influence," protests involving tens of thousands of people have taken place in recent months.

The law mandates that organizations and media receiving a minimum of 20% financing from foreign sources must register as entities advocating for foreign interests in Georgia, and be subject to stricter scrutiny in the future.

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The EU's warning of halting Georgia's membership negotiations has drawn controversy, as many see it as an attempt to interfere in the country's internal affairs. The controversial Georgian law on "foreign influence" has caused a freeze in EU-Georgia relations, potentially leading to sanctions such as financial aid cuts and travel bans on government officials. Despite being an EU membership candidate since December, Georgia's move to register media and organizations receiving foreign funding as advocates for foreign interests has sparked protests from over 80% of the population, who support EU membership.



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