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EU Commission wants more information on Amazon recommendation systems

Depending on what you search for on the Amazon shopping platform, users are recommended other products. The EU Commission is now demanding information: is this actually happening transparently?

Amazon must provide the EU Commission with information about its recommendation systems. (archive...
Amazon must provide the EU Commission with information about its recommendation systems. (archive picture)

Data protection - EU Commission wants more information on Amazon recommendation systems

The European Commission is demanding more information from US-based tech company Amazon regarding the transparency of certain recommendation systems used by its shopping platform. These systems utilize artificial intelligence to collect data from consumers and suggest additional products.

The Brussels authority has filed a request for information based on a new EU digital services regulation, as stated. The US corporation must also clarify what options it offers users to opt out of the creation of profiles for such recommendation systems.

Amazon is required to provide the requested information by July 26th. Based on the responses, the Commission will determine the next steps. If a company provides false, incomplete, or misleading information or refuses to answer the questions, the authority can impose fines.

The issue at hand involves Amazon, a prominent tech company based in the USA, in relation to Europe. The EU Commission in Brussels is seeking more clarity on Amazon's recommendation systems, which are powered by artificial intelligence and operate across the Internet. This scrutiny is driven by the EU's digital services regulation.

The EU Commission is particularly interested in the transparency of these systems, specifically how they collect and use data from European consumers to suggest additional products. Additionally, the Commission wants to understand the options Amazon provides for users to opt out of data collection for these recommendation systems, which is essential for ensuring data protection and consumer rights within the EU.

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