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EU Commission announces glyphosate approval for a further ten years

Countries do not agree

EU Commission announces glyphosate approval for a further ten
EU Commission announces glyphosate approval for a further ten

EU Commission announces glyphosate approval for a further ten years

The EU Commission has announced the re-approval of glyphosate for a further ten years. According to diplomatic sources, representatives of the member states were once again unable to agree on a common position on Brussels' proposal on Thursday.

Under current EU law, the Commission can now decide on its own.

According to the authority's proposal, the use of glyphosate will be permitted in the EU until 2033, but the use of the weedkiller will be subject to conditions in future. Among other things, farmers will be required to maintain buffer strips at least five meters wide. Member states will also be able to limit the quantity and frequency of use of the product.

Germany abstained in the negotiations on glyphosate because the federal government was unable to agree on a common position. Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) wanted to allow the approval to expire, while the FDP welcomed the EU Commission's proposal. According to diplomats, six other member states abstained in the vote on Thursday, including France and the Netherlands. Austria, Luxembourg and Croatia rejected a new authorization.

The EU Commission's decision to approve glyphosate for another ten years is significant for variousCountries within the EU. This approval, however, is not unanimous, as severalCountries have expressed opposition or abstained in the voting process.


