Esken is eager to acquire knowledge from Solingen.
Following the suspected Islamist incident in Solingen, SPD head Saskia Esken admitted fault in her initial remark that little could be derived from it. She acknowledged it wasn't a smart or accurate declaration, saying so to Welt TV.
"This attack, along with others that have transpired beforehand or may be yet to materialize, necessitates understanding that we must approach Islamism and the potential threat of Islamist terrorism with more seriousness than we have thus far," she explained, reference to the federal government's proposed measures.
Esken mentioned her intention to engage in dialogue with both the CDU/CSU opposition and the states in this matter. Yet, her comments during the ARD show "Caren Miosga" came under heavy fire. After the attack resulting in three deaths, she stated: "I believe we can't draw much from this incident, as the perpetrator was unknown to law enforcement and wasn't being monitored." Concurrently, she urged tighter internet controls, given the wealth of information freely shared there. Her sentiments sparked a wave of negative feedback.
Esken's initial comments about the Solingen incident, where three lives were lost in a knife attack, drew criticism for downplaying its significance. Despite the attack being perpetrated by an individual unknown to law enforcement and not under surveillance, such incidents highlight the need to take knife attacks associated with Islamist ideology more seriously.