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Escalation in US Election: Attempted Attack on Trump

In a small town in Pennsylvania, the Unbelievable happens. A protector shoots at Presidential candidate Donald Trump. The election year receives a dramatic turn.

Immediately after the attack, Trump reaches out from the circle of security guards, raises his fist...
Immediately after the attack, Trump reaches out from the circle of security guards, raises his fist high, and slams it three times forward into the air, forming with his lips an inaudible word which followers later interpret as: 'Fight!'

US election campaign - Escalation in US Election: Attempted Attack on Trump

Donald Trump is in the middle of a sentence when the first shots are fired. The former US President stands on a stage at a campaign rally in the small town of Butler in the state of Pennsylvania. He grabs his right ear, then bends down behind his podium. Instantly, several Secret-Service agents rush to him, throwing themselves over the Republican. Panic breaks out in the audience. People scream, throw themselves to the ground. Another shot. Loud cries ring through the spectator ranks.

Seconds later, the security guards turn Trump around behind the podium. The 78-year-old has blood on his right ear, his hair disheveled, his red hat no longer on his head. "Let me put on my shoes", Trump says repeatedly. "Sir, we need to get to the cars", one of his bodyguards replies, forming a ring around him. The agents want to move with him, but Trump calls out: "Wait, wait, wait, wait." Then he reaches out of the ring of security guards with his fist in the air, strikes it three times forward into the air, forms inaudible words with his lips, which followers later interpret as: "Fight!"

The photo of Trump with blood on his face and his fist in the air goes around the world. The attempted assassination of the former President and current Republican presidential candidate gives the US election year, which is already one of the most contentious in history, a new dramatic turn. It intensifies the tensions in an already deeply divided America and casts new fears of a spiral of political violence.

"The bullet pierced through the skin"

After the news of the first shots fired at Trump, events turn upside down. In the end, the alleged shooter and a spectator are dead, as well as two other people in the audience. Trump, however, is quickly taken to safety and comes away with a light injury. "I was hit by a bullet that pierced through the top part of my right ear", Trump writes on his Truth Social platform after the attack. "I knew something was wrong immediately, as I heard a hissing noise, gunshots, and felt the bullet pierce through my skin." It bled heavily, "and it became clear to me what was happening". His team assures that he is doing well.

Trump's campaign releases a video hours after the attack on the platform X, showing the presidential candidate stepping out of a fresh suit, well-groomed from his private jet. His deputy communications director writes: "Strong and unyielding. He will never stop fighting for America." The message from the Trump team: This man is unbeatable and cannot be brought down by anything. And that just two days before the Republicans gather in Milwaukee for their coronation party to officially nominate Trump as their presidential candidate.

Fear of more chaos and more violence

The attack causes shock in the USA and beyond. Politicians from both parties in the US, American ex-presidents, heads of government of other countries - all express disgust. They condemn the attack - and some express concern about what the country may face next.

Already, the mood in the USA is fragile. Parts of society stand hostile against each other, threats against politicians and other officials are increasing significantly. Around the latest Presidential election 2020, there was an unprecedented outbreak of violence, as Trump refused to acknowledge his loss to Democrat Joe Biden, instead rallying his supporters to storm the Capitol, resulting in several deaths. There have been concerns for a long time that there could be violence and chaos surrounding this election in November. The attempted assassination of Trump confirms these fears in a dark way - and could be just the beginning.

Heating up in the Trump camp

Republican supporter J.D. Vance, who is being discussed as a potential Vice Presidential candidate, immediately begins to incite. On platform X, the Republican Senator holds Biden personally responsible for the attack on Trump. "Biden's campaign is completely focused on portraying Trump as an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs," he writes. "This rhetoric led directly to the attempted assassination of President Trump."

What does the attack mean for the campaign?

Trump had to try to use the shooting attack systematically for his own purposes. He has always portrayed himself as a martyr and someone whom his political opponents are trying to eliminate with all means. He successfully used the four criminal proceedings against him to mobilize his supporters and collect donations. Trump's team then sent out the first campaign message a few hours after the shootings in Butler with the words "I will never give up" - and a direct link to the donation website. The attack against Trump ignited a sense of urgency in his camp. Trump is ahead of Biden in the polls anyway. The attack could give the Republican another push in voter solidarity.

The Biden campaign team must first sort things out. Sharp political attacks against a opponent who has just become the target of an attempted assassination are off-limits. US media report that Biden's campaign team has temporarily halted all outgoing communication and intends to stop the broadcasting of campaign ads "as soon as possible." It's not easy to find the right tone in the campaign after an attack like this.

And what about the discussion about Biden?

Biden actually had other concerns at the moment. Before the shootings on Trump, it looked like the Democrat could drop out of the race under pressure from his party. The 81-year-old is under heavy criticism for his mental fitness and is dealing with a party rebellion. However, this takes a back seat in the face of the attack on Trump for the time being.

  1. The attempt on Donald Trump's life during the US election campaign in Pennsylvania has escalated tensions further, making the US election year one of the most contentious in history.
  2. Amidst the chaos, Trump manages to say, "Let me put on my shoes," and "Sir, we need to get to the cars," as his bodyguards form a protective ring around him.
  3. The US-President's red hat is no longer on his head due to the incident, leaving his lips visible, reminding many of his past campaign rhetoric.
  4. The alleged shooter and a spectator are among the casualties, contributing to the fears of more chaos and violence in the United States of America.
  5. The Republicans, led by Trump, view this as an opportunity to strengthen his image as an unbeatable, unyielding figure, despite the tensions in society.
  6. In the midst of the controversy, Joe Biden's campaign faces pressure to find the right tone, temporarily halting all outgoing communication and pausing campaign ads.
  7. The political climate in America is deeply divided, with hostilities between different sections of society increasing significantly, making political violence a growing concern.
  8. As the US Election 2024 approaches, the debate on Biden's mental fitness and the party's rebellion against him take a back seat as the focus shifts to the escalating political tensions in America.

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