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Erdogan threatens Israel with military intervention

Since the Gaza War, relations between Turkey and Israel have deteriorated significantly. Now Erdogan issues a sharp threat.

The relations between Turkey and Israel have deteriorated since the Gaza War (archival image)
The relations between Turkey and Israel have deteriorated since the Gaza War (archival image)

Host - Erdogan threatens Israel with military intervention

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened Israel with military intervention. "Just as we intervened in Nagorno-Karabakh, just as we intervened in Libya, we will do the same with them," Erdogan said at an event of his ruling party AKP in Rize on the Black Sea, looking at Israel. He referred to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, where Erdogan supported the conflict party Azerbaijan with drones among other things. In the war-torn country Libya, Ankara supports the internationally recognized government with military equipment and personnel.

Erdogan praised the advances in the Turkish defense industry in his speech and added: "There is nothing we cannot do. We just need to be strong."

Relations between Turkey and Israel have drastically deteriorated since the start of the Gaza War. Erdogan described the Islamic Hamas as a "liberation organization" and compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler. In mid-July, Erdogan announced that his country would no longer approve cooperation between NATO and the partner Israel in the future, until a sustainable peace is established in the Palestinian territories.

  1. During his speech at the AKP event in Rize, overlooking the Black Sea, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan mentioned Turkey's interventions in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh, implying a potential action towards Israel.
  2. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, involving Azerbaijan, received Erdogan's support through the provision of drones and other resources, as he mentioned in his speech.
  3. President Erdogan and his government have consistently extended military support to the internationally recognized government in the ongoing Libyan conflicts, demonstrating Turkey's commitment to international relations.
  4. Regarding Israel, relations have significantly worsened since the beginning of the Gaza War, leading Erdogan to describe Hamas as a "liberation organization" and compare Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler.
  5. In response to the ongoing conflicts in Palestine, Erdogan announced in mid-July that Turkey would suspend cooperative relations between NATO and Israel, vowing to maintain the policy until a durable peace is established in the Palestinian territories.

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