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Environmental activists have enacted a blockade on the island of Sylt.

Environmental advocates from the Last Generation recently focused their efforts on wealthy individuals' role in climate change on Sylt. At present, they are barred from accessing the North Sea island.

Following the move by the Last Generation on Sylt, the Flensburg District Public Prosecutor's...
Following the move by the Last Generation on Sylt, the Flensburg District Public Prosecutor's Office has initiated an investigation.

- Environmental activists have enacted a blockade on the island of Sylt.

After an incident at Sylt Airport, members of the climate group "Last Generation" are temporarily prohibited from the island: "A 14-day residential ban on Sylt has been imposed on the three individuals," a representative from the Flensburg Police Directorate's press office has confirmed to Deutsche Presse-Agentur upon request. The ban is in effect until August 23.

However, this doesn't mean that everyone arriving on the island by train, ferry, or plane will be searched. This isn't necessary due to a lack of manpower, the representative explained. Monitoring compliance with the residential ban will occur during daily activities on the island.

Investigation underway following the incident on Sylt:

The Flensburg prosecutor's office is currently investigating the three activists from the alliance. They are being charged with property damage and trespassing. The exact date of the trial has yet to be announced.

Two protestors from the "Last Generation" group temporarily glued themselves to the ground next to a private jet at Sylt Airport on August 10. Their attempt to paint the plane was foiled by the swift action of airport staff.

A third activist was stopped at the fence by police and detained. The women were removed from the ground and also transported away in a police vehicle. The activists had previously cut a hole in the airport fence to gain access to the area.

Last Generation: Protest falls short

The "Last Generation" intended to paint the words "Oil kills" on the private jet, according to Christian Bergemann, a spokesperson for the "Last Generation," as reported by Deutsche Presse-Agentur. In their view, millionaires and billionaires disproportionately contribute to climate change. The owners of private jets, limousines, and superyachts are unlikely to voluntarily give them up, the protesters believe. They think laws are necessary to reduce these emissions.

The "Last Generation" activists are currently under investigation by The Office of the Prosecutor in Flensburg for charges of property damage and trespassing following the incident at Sylt Airport. Despite the temporary ban on the three individuals, the responsibility of monitoring compliance falls on authorities during daily activities on the island.

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