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Enthusiasts of lock pickery successfully bypass various locks without the need for a traditional key.

Locksmith hobbyists view lockpicking as an intricate subject and possessing a hint of James...
Locksmith hobbyists view lockpicking as an intricate subject and possessing a hint of James Bond-like allure.

Enthusiasts of lock pickery successfully bypass various locks without the need for a traditional key.

They go by the name "Fitness Freaks of Lock Manipulation" and can bypass almost any lock using specialized tools and a keen sense. They're more than willing to share their expertise, but only to those who should be privy to it.

Mike and Richard spread a heap of door locks on the table. The tips of two thin instruments vanish into a lock's keyhole, a slight push here, a subtle jab there, and voila, the latch springs up. They identify it as a counterfeit, stating that users of such locks shouldn't anticipate much in terms of security.

Mike and Richard are part of the Frankfurt section of the nationwide organization "Fitness Freaks of Lock Manipulation." Both work in the IT sector and wish to keep their surnames hidden from their employers, even though their pastime is perfectly legal. They acknowledge that their unusual interest has an unfavorable public image. The fact that Mike once worked in corrections adds to the misconception.

Overcoming locks without keys: Mike is drawn to "lock manipulation" by "the allure of the impossible - a hint of James Bond." Richard perceives the intricacies of locks as "an incredibly intricate topic." It's like a riddle, a ship in a bottle, or a tangram: The manufacturer poses a mental challenge nicely wrapped with skill, and lock manipulators attempt to unwrap it.

The main principle of lock manipulation: The lock must not be damaged. As a result, the "Fitness Freaks of Lock Manipulation" do not wish to be referred to as hobby lock manipulators, as manipulating a lock means destroying it.

Both have been members of the "Fitness Freaks of Lock Manipulation" association since the early 2000s. Across Germany, there are 15 groups with over 1,000 active members. In Frankfurt, the eight to ten members gather once a month for a get-together. On one occasion, when the gathering stretched late into the adjacent room of the pub, the landlord accidentally locked them in, according to Mike. No problem for the proficient duo with their pick set.

Diamonds and snowmen in action

The pick set acts as the lock manipulator's toolkit. Internationally recognized by the lock-opening community, the set is smaller than a mobile phone and is equipped with various metal hooks called "Half Diamond," "Hook," "Snake," or "Snowman," depending on the shape of the tip. In addition, there are so-called spanners, which experienced manipulators typically manufacture themselves from metal rods.

What's used depends on the type of lock. Most apartment doors are secured by lever locks, where the key's lever moves the lock bolt aside. Most residential doors rely primarily on cylinder locks, where the notches on the key edge press the lock pins onto springs into the correct position.

A safe is best secured by a Chubb lock, with a double-sided milled key lifting discs in the lock to the appropriate position. Essentially, they operate under the same principle as the disc lock on a mailbox, but at a much higher level of security. According to manipulators, the type of lock is not the only factor in security.

Code of honor in the "sport regulations"

Exactness is essential: The more precisely a lock is milled, the harder it is to manipulate. Manipulators exploit these imperfections by shifting individual pins or discs with their tools and observing the lock's response. The club's "constitution" mandates members to adhere to an honor code: "You may only manipulate locks that belong to you. For all other locks, you need the permission of the rightful owner."

Mike mentions an applicant who inquired about the quickest tool for a Mercedes, receiving a polite farewell. Instead of tampering with cars, the fitness enthusiasts assist law enforcement, manufacturers, museums, and private individuals, apart from their own pleasure.

Unusual Cooperation with a Museum

On behalf of a state investigation office, the fitness enthusiasts of another federal state opened door locks and created a catalog of break-in indicators, as Mike relates. Colleagues from the south tested the quality of bicycle locks on behalf of a cycling magazine.

The Frankfurt group is particularly active in museums. They've opened historical coin-operated telephones in Frankfurt and antique safes in Marburg. Particularly unusual was their involvement in an art exhibition where a prankster among the visitors locked a handcuff that the artist had left open over a wire.

Misleading Service: Locksmith Business

Due to the ease with which it is often done, the fitness enthusiasts of lock technology have little regard for locksmith services that purposely cause as much damage as possible to increase the customer's bill. If the door only needs to be reopened, a door latch needle, which anyone can legally obtain, would suffice, according to Mike. The possession of a pick set is also completely legal in Germany, unlike in certain other European countries.

For thieves or burglars, pick sets are not their preferred method, says Mike. "That takes too long." Criminals seek out the most accessible vulnerable points: the unlocked front door, the thin chain on the bicycle lock, the cheap product that pops open with a simple pull.

Even after more than 20 years in the club, Mike and Richard have not grown weary. Not only do innovations from manufacturers present them with new challenges - lock technology is evolving. Transponders, key cards, and keypads open doors using electronics. Since this is not necessarily safer than the classic key, the fitness enthusiasts of lock technology have plenty of topics to explore in the future.

The "Fitness Enthusiasts of Lock Technology" even organize competitions - this year they will take place from November 15th to 17th, with the venue yet to be announced. The goal is to open as many locks as possible in the shortest time possible.

Mike and Richard find enjoyment in the "sports for leisure" of lock manipulation, viewing it as a challenge similar to solving a riddle or completing a tangram. The "Fitness Freaks of Lock Manipulation" honor code dictates that members should only manipulate locks they own or have the rightful owner's permission.

In Germany, it's perfectly lawful to own lockpicking equipment.

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